Commercial Operations Sub-Committee Update to TAC April 4, 2008
Highlights of the COPS 3/11/08 Meeting Reviewed and endorsed changes to PRR720 and the “ERO Fee Assessment and Collection Guide” – Forwarded to PRS for their consideration. Voted to endorse the 2008 MO Project Priority List as submitted: Concern expressed related to funding needs for business requirements of Nodal design, especially systems that now cannot be implemented in time for “go live”.Concern expressed related to funding needs for business requirements of Nodal design, especially systems that now cannot be implemented in time for “go live”. Renewed COPS request for a listing of what applications will not be available and projected delivery timetable after “Go Live”Renewed COPS request for a listing of what applications will not be available and projected delivery timetable after “Go Live”
CCWG Developing nodal Sections in the Commercial Operations Market Guide Reviewing Service Level Agreement – communication for Data Extract Issues
SDAWG & DEWG ERCOT discussed recent issues with Data Extract delays and errors that occurred beginning in February Issue root causes: –Database maintenance on storage of data and data clean-up –Errors in manual processes –Missing data on DST trade date –Database permissions issues ERCOT continues to work to resolve these issues and achieve timely posting of extracts Many key extracts have posted within the 48-hour timeline; however, certain key extracts (such as forecasted losses) are delayed beyond the time where they can be used for Day Ahead and/or day of requirements
SDAWG & DEWG ERCOT staff introduced a format for more detailed information and tracking of Extract Issues DEWG has adopted this format, similar to format utilized in Retail Systems reporting ERCOT and DEWG will continue to address issues and track them in more detail Focus going forward will be to continue to improve on communication to Market Participants and on communicating issues to the appropriate Stakeholder committees DEWG and SDAWG will continue to focus on fine-tuning the Extract requirements for the current market and apply the same principles to Extracts and Reports for the Nodal Market.
PWG: Distributed Renewable Generation Update An LPGRR filed March 31 st with “Urgency Request” COPS to Vote by on Urgency 3/31 (48hrs) Includes 128 IDR and non-IDR Photovoltaic (PV) and non-PV Load Profiles The LPGRR and PRR756 need Board approval prior to August to ensure 150 day notice required for 1/01/09 implementation
PWG: Distributed Renewable Generation Update Implementation Timeline: –Urgent Timeline: COPS Urgency Request/ Vote approved April 1st COPS Review (with IA) and Vote April 8th TAC Review and Consideration May 5 th Board Review and Consideration May 20 th Market Notice of Implementation August 3 rd January 1 st 2009 Implementation
PWG: Distributed Renewable Generation Update Implementation Timeline: –Normal Timeline: COPS Urgency Request/ Vote Fails COPS Review (with IA) and Vote June 10th TAC Review and Consideration June 26 th Board Review and Consideration July 15th Market Notice of Implementation August 3 rd January 1 st 2009 Implementation
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