* Definition: Two or more items in a row * EX: Nick, Joe, and Sal are good friends. * EX: The long, knitted scarf was wrapped around her neck.


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Presentation transcript:

* Definition: Two or more items in a row * EX: Nick, Joe, and Sal are good friends. * EX: The long, knitted scarf was wrapped around her neck.

* Definition: When a specific person or group of people are being spoken to. * EX: Bob, can you come with me? * EX: Let’s see who can stay up on their boards longest, surfers!

* Definition: A word that introduces the sentence. Usually yes, no, well, why, oh, etc. * EX: No, I don’t know everything. * EX: Oh, don’t scream so loud!

Directions: Write which comma rule the sentence is using. There may be more than one rule that applies to each sentence.

Directions: There are missing commas in the following sentences. Add the commas to make them grammatically correct. Write which comma rule applies.

Definition: Two complete sentences that are joined by- 1. Comma conjunction 2. Semicolon * EX: I ate ice cream, and Joe ate a cupcake. * EX: She wanted to talk to a friend; she was out of town.

Definition: A phrase that provides a definition for something/someone else in the sentence. * EX: Mrs. LopezLavalle, my favorite teacher, teaches ninth grade English. * EX: My favorite holiday of the year, Halloween, is when we get to dress up and eat candy. * EX: The antecedent of the flooding, an event that precedes another event, was the hurricane.

Directions: Write which comma rule the sentence is using.

Directions: There are missing commas in the following sentences. Add the commas to make them grammatically correct. Write which comma rule applies.

Definition: A comma separates the day from the month AND date from the year / and a comma separates the city from the state * EX: My party is on Tuesday, October 31, * EX: I live in San Pedro, California.

Directions: Add commas to the following sentences to make them grammatically correct. Write which comma rule you applied.

Definition: a phrase at the beginning of a sentence that includes a verb acting like an adjective * EX: Shining brightly, the sun was high in the sky. * EX: Burning to ashes, the barn would have to be rebuilt. Shine is a VERB, but ‘shining brightly’ is acting like an ADJECTIVE describing the sun. Burn is a VERB, but ‘burning to ashes’ is acting like an ADJECTIVE describing the barn.

Directions: Write which comma rule the sentence is using.

Directions: There are missing commas in the following sentences. Add the commas to make them grammatically correct. Write which comma rule applies.

Definition: a clause (a subject and predicate) with an adverb that comes before an independent sentence. May begin with words like: after, before, since, until, when, between, etc. The rest of the sentence can stand alone. * EX: When Tom was ten, he was in college classes. * EX: Before I could finish my sentence, he interjected. When = adverb Tom = subject Was ten = predicate INCOMPLETE SENTENCE Before = adverb I = subject Could finish my homework = predicate INCOMPLETE SENTENCE He = subject Was in college classes = predicate COMPLETE SENTENCE He = subject Interjected = predicate COMPELTE SENTENCE

Directions: Add the comma to the sentence. Then write which comma rule the sentence is using.

Definition: A word or string of words that is relevant yet non- essential. * Common ones include: of course, however, nevertheless, in fact, therefore, consequently, for example, as far as we know, etc. * EX: Mrs. LopezLavalle is, of course, the best teacher at POLAHS. * EX: Nevertheless, she is only one of my teachers. * EX: I must, regardless of my desires, go to classes with other teachers. *If there is a new subject and predicate, a semi-colon and comma must be used. EX: You can go first; however, I will go next. S P

Definition: Phrases that begin with ‘not’ and shows the difference/contrast between two things. * EX: Mrs. LopezLavalle, not Mr. Joe Shmo, is my favorite teacher. * EX: I enjoy English class, not my other classes.

Directions: Write which comma rule the sentence is using. Circle the parenthetical or contrasting expression.

Directions: There are missing commas in the following sentences. Add the commas to make them grammatically correct. Write which comma rule applies.

Definition: One or more prepositional phrases at the beginning of a sentence. *Must be 4 or more words long. * EX: Under the dusty old box, there hides my high school year book. * EX: Throughout English class today, my students paid attention and took notes.

Definition: A comma is used after the ‘dear’ or ‘hello’ as well as the ‘sincerely’ or ‘with love’ in a letter. * EX: Dear Mrs. LopezLavalle, I am your biggest fan…. Etc. * EX: Love Always, Sally Jones

Directions: Write which comma rule the sentence is using. Circle the prepositional phrase if there is one.

Directions: There are missing commas in the following sentences. Add the commas to make them grammatically correct. Some sentences do not need commas at all. Write which comma rule applies.