1 Click to edit Master title style Planning Development and diversity
2 Learning outcomes You will: understand some straightforward teaching styles and approaches for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities begin to develop a repertoire of strategies to overcome barriers to learning for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities know how to annotate planning for the class to take account of learning objectives, teaching styles and approaches and access strategies for individuals and groups, and understand the benefits of planning collaboratively.
3 Learning outcome You will revisit the principles of inclusion and focus on teaching styles and approaches that can support pupils with SEN and/or disabilities. Activity 1
Teaching styles and approaches 4
5 Activity 2 Learning outcome You will develop a repertoire of access strategies to overcome barriers to learning for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities.
Access strategies 6
7 Learning outcome You will gain practice in adapting your planning to take account of learning objectives, teaching approaches and access strategies for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities. Activity 3
Effective planning for pupils with SEN Effective planning will: be embedded in the teacher’s usual planning format incorporate personal targets wherever possible draw on the three principles of inclusion – learning objectives, teaching styles and approaches, access strategies, and involve collaboration. 8
9 Learning outcomes You will: reflect on key learning points from the activities, and identify key points of action to consolidate and apply your learning. Activity 4
Key learning points Planning for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities should include: appropriate learning objectives, teaching styles and approaches, and access strategies for individuals and groups and should: be embedded into regular planning formats, incorporate personal targets, and be undertaken collaboratively wherever possible. 10 Delete red commas and add green comma