Style: Using language effectively
The two most important things
The two most important things Clarity: Appropriateness:
The two most important things Clarity: – Use clear, direct phrasing that is easy to understand. Appropriateness:
The two most important things Clarity: – Use clear, direct phrasing that is easy to understand. – Consider replacing commas with periods (avoid too many dependent clauses/ Appropriateness:
The two most important things Clarity: – Use clear, direct phrasing that is easy to understand. – Consider replacing commas with periods (avoid too many dependent clauses/ – Read aloud and make sure it sounds good to the ear. Appropriateness:
The two most important things Clarity: Appropriateness: – Avoid gendered or otherwise exclusionary terms
The two most important things Clarity: Appropriateness: – Avoid gendered or otherwise exclusionary terms – Avoid language that is too technical or too trivial
The two most important things Clarity: Appropriateness: – Avoid gendered or otherwise exclusionary terms – Avoid language that is too technical or too trivial – Don’t overestimate your audience’s knowledge or underestimate their intelligence.
The two most important things Clarity: Appropriateness:
More on Style
Add “concrete” and “sensory” language that bring experiences before the mind’s eye.
More on Style Add “concrete” and “sensory” language that bring experiences before the mind’s eye. Add figures of rhythm such as repetition, alliteration, and crescendo that give a pace to your speech.
More on Style Add “concrete” and “sensory” language that bring experiences before the mind’s eye. Add figures of rhythm such as repetition, alliteration, and crescendo that give a pace to your speech. Add figures of imagery such as metaphor and simile that give your ideas form and connection.
More on Style Use good form when quoting or citing experts:
More on Style Use good form when quoting or citing experts: “According to Dr. Jane Doe at Penn State University, x is the case about y.”
More on Style Use good form when quoting or citing experts: “According to Dr. Jane Doe at Penn State University, x is the case about y.” or “A 2012 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control found that Z is on the rise among teens.”
More on Style Above all, write for the ear, read your work aloud, and make it sound good!