Maher ARAFAT, An-Najah National University Excellence in Learning and Teaching May 22 nd, 2013
In some cases, teaching at its best, is cloning.. ” المستقبل الذي نتمناه - سلوك نتبناه “ - Teacher Based. - Text Based. Learning Centered.
Why MIT is successful? We provide our learners with the opportunity to: 1- To raise questions. 2- Participate in discussions.
Three Paradigm shifts (Eijkman,2009) The post-information shift in learning practices Industrial Age - Info Age - Post-Info Age The social shift in learning theory Cognitive - Constructivism - Social constructivism The participatory shift in learning technology Web 1.0 – Post-Web 1.0 – Web 2.0, 3.0 etc. 4
A macro shift ? A huge CHANGE, to face long cherished practices. Lecture, Lecturing, Lecturer.
4 Pillars of Successful Education (Elements of Quality Educational) Outstanding student, (Surface, Deep, Strategic Learners) Outstanding faculty, (Knowledge, What & How to teach) Outstanding Mgmt. & Learning Support Learning Environment.
Passive Consumption? One of the challenges that we are facing is the increased pressure on teachers to deliver content What worries me a lot is pushing teachers to develop online course, stuffed & full of handouts, Docs., PDFs, PPTs,
Personalized Resources Learning is influenced by ( Tasks & Resources ). so We need to create Resources that match learning style, not matching our teaching style. If they created the Resources themselves, there is a likely hood that they’ll meet their Learning Preferences and Needs.
The Goal of Education in the 21 st century Tsunamis (pedagogy of the free) 9 Allowing learners to realize togheir capacity to learn, (Learning Environment & Learning Spaces) Moving education from delivery of static info to a more: “a dialogical relation where knowledge is co-created” (Josie Gregory, Facilitation and Facilitator Style, p.99)
Learner Create Content Aims to meet the learners' learning needs and shifts the course activities, more, towards: Interactive learning. Engaging Creativity. Autonomy, Mutual Responsibility Collaboration, Skills, ICT “Socially Interactive Participation in Meaning Making.”
It is a challenge to: 1- Keep Following up, (teachers become students) 2- lots of encouragement, 3- Increase curiosity. ( streaming new ideas) 4- Open & Free learning env. LCC is not a recipe for teacher to sit back & relax.
Chapter Zero The Process of LCC Do not expect students to work in vacuum 1. Clear tasks … On time …With Assessment Plan. 2. Scaffold to support Learning (Reading material and web links) 3. Adapt a moderate learning curve and start with small steps. 4. Feedback to gauge their progress. JISC Techdis
Anxiety Support Motivation Engagement “Comfort Zone Challenge”
42 students, 10 groups. In a weekly rotation each group took turn to present their findings. محاضرة Extra Workshop site : Course on wikispace: Student Evaluation responses: 8JiboI/viewanalytics Workshop responses: PsB6i8DRvhc/viewanalytics
Conclusion At the beginning of the course learners had the highest positive attitude towards LCC. %70 believed that LCC helped in identifying & achieving Learning goals. Positive attitude that LCC using Wikispaces facilitated interaction & collaboration to construct knowledge. 70 % of the students believed that LCC improved their interpersonal and communication skills. %70 of the students think that they can fin new relations and come up with new ideas. Grades, was a major concern for students. 52% of students didn’t like the Assessment Process.
Ability to Identify and meet learning needs Autonomy Satisfaction & Sense of achievement. Ability to analyze and compare to come up with new concepts. Creativity Continuing learning. LLL. Attitude Communication and interpersonal skill. Learn new things from team members. English Language skills. Using web 2.0 …Wikispaces, Google Apps. Collaborate 08PQG27ju8JiboI/viewanalytics
Learner Created Content LCC Learners became more responsible to seek and meet their learning needs, work collaboratively to construct meanings.
Recommendations Prepare, Aware, Prepare. Class-size & Subjects. Pedagogical Sequence. Formative, Summative Evaluation. Learner Journal, Portfolio Provide lots of support and encouragements. Project follow-up.
Avoid… thought control… Cloning لا قدسية محتوى لاحدود لقدرات الطالب لا قدسية لمدرس Learning