Why bullying must stop Anxiety Loneliness Low self-esteem Poor social self-competence Depression Lasting psychological impacts Social withdrawal Physical health complaints Running away from home Alcohol and drug use Suicide Poor academic performance Impact on Victims
Why bullying must stop Get into frequent fights Be injured in a fight Vandalize property Steal property Drink alcohol Smoke Be truant from school Drop out of school Carry a weapon Become a criminal. (60% of those who bullied had at least one criminal conviction by age 24) Over half of these adult bullies (61%) at 32 years of age were still aggressive and had been convicted of violence (20%) % had three or more convictions (as compared to a group of non-bullying boys). Impact on Bullies
Why bullying must stop Children can be influenced indirectly by being witnesses to violence Can significantly heighten feelings of vulnerability and lower feelings of personal safety. Can experience more psychological distress (i.e., depression, anxiety, and anger) Impact on Bystanders, Witnesses and Assistants
Ways to help Educate children Bullying is not a normal part of school life Adult supervision Tends to thrive in locations where adults are not present Media Exposure Media can expose bullying as a negative, anti-social behaviour (advertising, TV shows, written articles)) Access to support Places where students can go to seek help. Access to teachers, adults, and websites usually help. Normally, victims do not tell anyone what is going on – it is important to share rather than bottle it all inside. It is difficult to help if no-one is aware of the situation.
Some websites that may help (see wiki) Kids Help Line The Alannah and Madeline Foundation National Centre Against Bullying Bully, No Way Cyber- bullying