Coventry Partnership Household Survey 2013
Background BMG Research was commissioned to undertake the 2013 Household Survey The survey provides an overview of quality of life and well being across the city It also provides tracking across previous years, with minor amends to questions in 2013 Fieldwork between February and March ,208 interviews completed with residents aged 16+
Satisfaction has remained consistent with 2012, but slightly higher than in 2011 All valid responses: 2207 Q3. And generally, how satisfied are you with THIS NEIGHBOURHOOD as a place to live? Satisfaction levels increase amongst: the least deprived communities (96% Q5, 93% Q4 compared to 78% in Q1), owner occupiers (91%) compared to 81% in social housing, and 96% living in ‘Prospering Suburbs’ 100% of residents of Binley, Green Lane, Lime Tree Park, and Coundon are satisfied, compared to 64% in Bell Green
Feelings of safety at night have continued to increase over time All valid responses: 2172 Q16/2. How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood at night? Feelings of safety at night are lowest amongst females (76%), BMEs (78%), Asians (74%), and those in social housing (76%). Levels also drop in Courtaulds, Edgwick (54%) and Stoke Park & New Century Business Park (54%)
Fewer residents feel their quality of life has got worse in the last 2 years compared to in 2012 All valid responses: 1960 Q4. What is your overall perception of how quality of life in this neighbourhood has changed over the last 2 years? 22% of residents in the most deprived quintile feel their quality of life has got worse, compared to 13% in Q5. This is also the case for residents aged 55 to 64, and those living in Courtaulds, Edgwick (45%) and Bell Green (42%)
More residents state that they are living comfortably on their present income than in 2012 (+3% points) All valid responses: 2141 Q42. Which of these phrases comes closest to describing your feelings about your household income these days? 25% of residents in the Q1 deprivation quintile find it difficult/very difficult on present income. Levels are also higher amongst the unemployed but economically active (54%) and those in social housing (28%).
The level of resident involvement in activities to improve neighbourhoods has remained static over the past 4 years All valid responses: 2203 Q6. Are you actively involved in working towards improving your neighbourhood? Participation increases amongst residents in the least deprived quintiles (Q4 10% and Q5 13%), those aged 65+ (12%), and owner occupiers. It is also higher in Wyken, Sowe Valley (32%) and Finham, South Cheylesmore (26%)
The large majority of residents feel people in their neighbourhood of different backgrounds get on well together All valid responses: 2103 Q7. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this neighbourhood is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together? 13% of residents in Tile Hill and in Courtaulds, Edgwick disagree that people get on together. Levels of disagreement are also high in the most deprived areas (9%)
Fewer residents believe they would ask someone for help in comparison to 2012 All valid responses: bases in brackets Q10/1. I am going to read a list of situations where people might need help. For each one, could you tell me if you would ask anyone for help? 2012 % yes 81% 59% 80%
Less than one third of residents eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg per day (27%) All valid responses: 2182 Q20. How many portions of fruit or vegetables would you say you eat in a typical day? Residents least likely to eat 5 portions per day include the most deprived (22% Q1&2), males (25%), those aged (19%), Black residents (20%), the unemployed but economically active (20%), and in social housing (19%) and private rented accommodation (21%).
There has been a 3% point drop in the prevalence of smoking since 2012 All valid responses: 2201 Q21. Do you, or have you ever, smoked? The prevalence of smoking increases amongst the most deprived (33% Q1), males (26%), non-BMEs (25%), the unemployed but economically active (46%), and those in social housing (40%).
A higher proportion of alcohol drinkers in 2013 exceed the desired units 1 day or 2 days a week All valid responses – where drink alcohol: 1218 Q26. How many days in an average week do you drink more than [Women 2-3 units] [Men 3-4 units] of alcohol? Amongst alcohol drinkers, males are more likely to exceed the guidance units 2 or more times per week (29%), as are those aged (36%), the full time employed (32%), and 34% of current smokers.
42% of residents take part in physical activity at least 5 times per week; up from 39% in 2012 All valid responses: bases in brackets Q27. Can you tell me how frequently, if at all, you do the following? 2012 % at least 5 times 39% Residents most likely to do physical activity 5 or more times per week include females (51%), those aged (44%), those working part time (55%), those unemployed but active (51%) and those with qualifications (42-48%)
There has been an increase since 2012 in the % of residents that have had good sleep in the last month (+9% points) All valid responses: 2207 Q28. And how would you rate the quality of your sleep in the last month? Males are more likely to say they had good sleep (57%), as are those aged 16 to 24 (64%), BME (59%), those living comfortably on income (61%). Just 46% of residents in social housing have had good sleep.
63% of residents rate their satisfaction with life nowadays as 8 or above, with a mean of 7.73 All valid responses: 2195 Q31. And all things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole nowadays? (Where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 10 is extremely satisfied) Mean satisfaction is highest amongst the least deprived (8), those aged 16 to 24 (7.94), Asian residents (7.97), the full time employed (7.95), and those living comfortably on present income (8.2). Levels drop to 6.04 where they find it very difficult on present income.
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