Growing Up Fit Together for 2 nd grade
Strong & Weak Habits We need healthy hearts so we can be healthy and grow up fit. We are going to start with a Five N Jive exercise to see if you can tell me which of the following are healthy habits.
Five N Jive If the habit I say makes your heart strong, I want you to jump 5 times. If the habit does not make your heart strong, I want you to squat for 5 seconds. Riding a bikeEating a pizza Walking your dogSmoking cigarettes Never going outsideDancing with your friends Riding a scooterNever eating fruits or veggies Shooting basketballEating French fries and a burger Swimming Raking leaves Playing video games
3 Rules for a Healthy Heart 1. Eat a variety of healthy foods 2. Get moving and be active. 3. Breathe smoke-free air, and don’t smoke.
Your Heart Your heart is the size of your fist. Can everyone make a fist for me? Your heart beats all the time. It pumps blood through tubes called arteries and veins. Arteries carry blood away from the heart. The blood drops that are going away from your heart are picking up energy and oxygen as they leave your heart and lungs.
Your Heart The blood also gets energy from the foods you eat. The veins carry the blood back to the heart. The blood drops run out of food and oxygen by the time they have gotten all the way around your body. So they have to pick up more each time around.
Finding Your Pulse Take two fingers (pointer and middle finger) and put it on your chin. Slide your finger down until you feel a bump in the middle of your neck. Now slide your fingers towards your ears. You should feel little beats on your fingers. This is your pulse.
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