Agenda for today: The Unified Software Development Process: Test (Note) Test The purpose of testing Artifacts Test in the sw Life Cycle Workers Test procedure
The Unified Software Development Process: The purpose of testing 1. To find errors –To veryfie usecases, design...
The Unified Software Development Process: Test in the sw Life Cycle Figure 11.2 Maintain and develop the testmodel throughout the complete software life cycle Remove obsolete test cases Redefine some test cases Create new test cases
The Unified Software Development Process: Artifacts Test modelTest system Test case Test Procedure Test Component
The Unified Software Development Process: White-box / Black-box Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface White box test Use Case realisation - Design (from the design model)
The Unified Software Development Process: White-box / Black-box Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Black box test Use Case - From the Use case model
The Unified Software Development Process: Other Artifacts Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Artifact: Defect A Defect is a system anomaly (like a sw fault) Artifact: Evaluate Test
The Unified Software Development Process: Other Artifacts Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Test the system as a whole Installation test Configuration test Negative test Stress tests
The Unified Software Development Process: Example testcase Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface 1.1. Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface In order to perform this test, the web Customer Care GUI has to be used. An account has to be created in the system. This test case can be performed even if the account has not subscribed to a product.
The Unified Software Development Process: Example testcase Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Test Step Input/ActionExpected OutputResult 1Create an account or look up an existing one. Use the apposite link to create a billing event. A billing event is created. The account balance change reflects the presence of the new billing event Account balance: an amount is not shown in a proper way. Se screen shot Test Case 1.
The Unified Software Development Process: Example testcase Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface
The Unified Software Development Process: Example testcase Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Test model Based on a given use-case there is always a related test-case. E.g.. Use-case Put-Billingevent had an related test-case
The Unified Software Development Process: Workers Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Workers Test Designer Component Engineer Integration Tester System Tester Workflow Fig and 11.9
The Unified Software Development Process: Test procedure Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Activity: Plan Test Describe a testing strategy. Estimate the requirements for the testing effort, such as the human an system resources needed. Scheduling the testing effort.
The Unified Software Development Process: Test procedure (V-model) Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface StartDelivery Requirement SpecificationAccept Test Program DesignIntegration Test Module Design Module Test Module Coding
The Unified Software Development Process: Test procedure (Automate) Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Test-Driver Module under test Test-Stump 2Test-Stump 1Test-Stump 3
The Unified Software Development Process: Test Procedure Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface In principle there are two ways to test 1.Incremental test Top-down or Bottom-up 2.Total test
The Unified Software Development Process: My experiences Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Boundary tests Input field my can only accept positive integers Test Input = 0, 1, -1, -1000, -0, Max value, 1.2, 0.1, -0.1
The Unified Software Development Process: My experiences Test Case 1 Verification of the generation of the billing events through the Customer Care interface Make sure you know what the result of the test is meant to be. Plan test in advance Document your test Involve the end users in the system test Be careful to align the users expectations
New Way - Accounts