ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 1 C M Roach Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK 1.Public Release of Profile Database PR0X 2.Accompanying NF Paper Seek progress through discussions this meeting! This work was jointly funded by the EPSRC and EURATOM Status of Public Release of Profile Database Status of Public Release PR0X of Profile Database
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 2 1.Machine representatives from each donor machine have been asked to: i. confirm permission for public release of post-PR98 discharges ii. contribute to paper accompanying PR0X iii. ensure last few PR0X discharges comply with variables agreed NB affects only d3d (19) and tftr (1 or 81 if include PR98) 2.Assemble Paper to accompany PR0X and submit to NF 3.Fix X and make available the Public Release PR0X Path to PR0X
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 3 PR0X NF paper: Similar in purpose to PR98 paper by Boucher et al, NF (2000). Intended to provide a compact overview of the profile database and advertise this valuable resource to the whole community. Sketch outline of the paper was discussed and agreed at Chengdu –introduction and history of database (CMR) –describe new PR0X discharges (machine representatives) –describe database access and tools (CMR) –review main modelling using profile database since PR98 (CMR) NF Paper to Accompany PR0X
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 4 MachineDischargesRepresentativeNF section AUG: F Ryter D3D: C Greenfield? FTU: (A Tuccillo)? JET: I Voitsekovich 1 June JT60U: Y Sakamoto ? MAST: A R Field RTP: D Hogeweij T10: A Chudnovskij1 June TFTR: * R Budnythis meeting TS: F Imbeaux ? TXTR: D Hogeweij14 May Aim to resolve ?s this meeting. Red = discharges not yet compatible with PR0X variables as agreed 2005 * NB 81 TFTR PR98 discharges also not yet compatible: be nice to make them consistent too! PR0X Discharges + NF contributions by machine
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 5 Review of Modelling with Profile Database BRIEF summary overview of modelling using profile database since PR98. Memory + Boucher (2000) citations (“Google Scholar”, “Web of Science”, ORNL) ~30 papers Removing most peripheral citations, filters down to: 1. ITBs J. W. Connor et al., `A review of internal transport barrier physics for steady-state operation of tokamaks’, Nuclear Fusion 44, R1 (2004). P. Gohil et al., ‘Increased understanding of the dynamics and transport in ITB plasmas from multimachine comparisons’, Nuclear Fusion 43, 708 (2003). C. Bourdelle et al., `Impact of the parameter on the microstability of internal transport barriers’, Nuclear Fusion 45, 110 (2005). J. E. Kinsey, G. M. Staebler, and R. E. Waltz, `Predicting core and edge transport barriers in tokamaks using the glf23 drift-wave transport model’, Phys Plasmas 12, (2005). 2. Advanced Scenarios, Hybrid, Steady State F. Imbeaux et al., `Multi-machine transport analysis of hybrid discharges from the ITPA profile database’, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 47, B179 (2005). J. E. Kinsey et al., `Transport modelling and gyrokinetic analysis of advanced high performance discharges’, Nuclear Fusion 45, 450 (2005). W. A. Houlberg et al., `Integrated modelling of the current profile in steady-state and hybrid ITER scenarios’, Nuclear Fusion 45, 1309 (2005). Feedback/Suggestions Welcome!
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 6 Review of Modelling with Profile Database 3. Model testing: CDBM, GLF23, MMM95, Weiland, Bohm/gyro-Bohm, CPTM M. Honda and A. Fukuyama, `Comparison of turbulent transport models of L and H-mode plasmas’, Nuclear Fusion 46, 580 (2006). Y. N. Dnestrovskij, A. Y. Dnestrovskij, and S. E. Lysenko, `Self-organization of plasma in tokamaks’, Plasma Physics Reports 31, 529 (2004). D. Hannum et al., `Comparison of high mode predictive simulations using mixed Bohm/gyro-Bohm and multi-mode (mmm95) transport models`, Phys Plasmas 8, 964 (2001). T. Onjun, G. Bateman, A. H. Kritz, and D. Hannum, `Comparison of low confinement mode transport simulations using the mixed bohm/gyro-bohm and the multi-mode- 95 transport models’, Phys Plasmas 8, 975 (2001). 4. Core - Pedestal Modelling G. Bateman et al., `Integrated predictive modeling of high mode tokamak plasmas using a combination of core and pedestal models’, Phys Plasmas 10, 4358 (2003). 5. Sawtooth Model testing G. Bateman and C N Nguyen and A. H. Kritz, `Testing a model for triggering sawtooth oscillations in tokamaks’, Phys Plasmas 13, (2007). 6. Particle Pinch G. Becker and O. Kardaun, `Anomalous particle pinch and scaling of v in /d based on transport analysis and multiple regression’, Nuclear Fusion 47, 33 (2007). F Feedback/Suggestions Welcome!
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 7 Other Issues Whether to Include ITER Scenarios? ITER model predictions will evolve, while present device data should be robust. => publish ITER scenarios separately? (use profile database framework) Preliminary Author List: F Ryter, J Stober, C Greenfield, J Kinsey, M Murakami, E Doyle, G Bracco, M Romanelli, V Parail, P Stubberfield, I Voitsekovitch, Y Sakamoto, T Fujita, T Fukuda, A R Field, C Brickley, G M D Hogeweij, A Chudnovsky, R Budny, T Aniel, F Imbeaux, G T Hoang, J Ongena, C M Roach, M Walters, J Carlsson, T Fredian, M Greenwald, J Stillerman, W A Houlberg include full membership of ITPA Transport and CDBM Groups? additions/deletions/changes?
ITPA CDBM/Transport Group Meeting, May 2007, Lausanne 8 Conclusions Status of PR0X Data: –102/122 PR0X discharges are ready for publication now –a few key discharges (d3d, tftr) still to comply with agreed variables... “shame to spoil the ship for a ha’penny worth of tar!” NF Paper Status: –discharge descriptions are rolling in from machines, and most are promised over the coming few weeks –CMR will add content to: Introduction, Data access and tools, Review of Modelling, Conclusion. (early summer) –accumulating draft available for your perusal at –updated drafts will be posted to same URL + advertised by Commitments for missing elements this meeting?