Population Vocabulary
population density The average number of people living in a square mile or square kilometer
This is in Spanish. Do you expect them to use miles or kilometers ?
Which 2 colors show the lowest population density? Why would so few people live in those areas?
Here, which color do you think means there is a low population density? Which color is used for high density?
Where do people NOT live?
death rate the number of people (out of every 1000 of the population) who die every year
The death rate includes the infant mortality rate the number of children between birth and 1 who die each year (per every 1000 people)
Infant Mortality Rate
What does “mortal” mean? The Greek gods were not mortals.
birthrate the number of children born each year (per every 1000 people)
Infant Mortality Rate Children who die by 1 year old per 1000 people
All of these rates combine to make up our overall population growth.
What opinion is this artist showing in this cartoon?
What is this cartoonist’s opinion about the world’s population?
Vocab. terms: population density death rate infant mortality rate birthrate
Graphics Sources G/800px-Infant_mortality_rate_world_map.PNG EC8CA75E3E4E/0/ChildSick jpg