Study on the Association between having an Effective Health Emergency Response to Leptospirosis and the Presence of a Functionally Prepared Health Emergency Response System in high risk barangays during typhoon ondoy
Leptospirosis Cases
Department of Health Department Memorandun No – 0250 Issued last Oct. 16, 2009 Doxycycline prophylaxis – Communities that experienced flooding and have a high number of suspected cases – Volunteers, government workers and soldiers who helped in the rescue operations
Risk of infection and doxycycline dose RISKDESCRIPTIONDOXYCYCLINE DOSE Low RiskSingle history of wading in flood or contaminated water Absence of wounds, cuts, open lesions 2 capsules of 100mg single dose within 24 – 72 hours Moderate RiskSingle history of wading in flood or contaminated water Presence of wounds, cuts, open lesions Accidental ingestion of contaminated water 2 capsules of 100mg once a day for 3 – 5 days to be started immediately within 24 – 72 hours from exposure High RiskContinuous exposure of wading in flood or contaminated water with or without wounds, cuts, open lesions Swimming in flooded water and ingestion of contaminated water 2 capsules of 100mg once weekly until the end of exposure
WHO: Diagnostic Services, Surveillance and Outbreak Management of Leptospirosis Screening methods can be used to confirm the diagnosis of Leptospirosis – Screening methods for anti-leptospira antibodies – IgM ELISA – Microscopic Agglutination Tests Philippine setting – Proper history taking – Clinical judgment
Education to the public – Identification of Leptospirosis – Importance of seeking immediate treatment – How to limit exposure Environmental aspect – Recognize contaminated sources of water and drain them – Control rodent population
Statement of the Problem This study would like to determine the presence of an association, if any, between having an effective health emergency response to Leptospirosis and the presence of a functionally prepared health emergency response system in a barangay at high risk for Leptospirosis after Typhoon Ondoy
Barangay with poor response Functionally prepared Not funtionally prepared Barangay with effective response Functionally prepared Not funtionally prepared
Significance of the Study
Natural disasters Preparedness Health Emergency Response Teams
Preparedness Efficiency Not functioning Functioning Not efficient
Results Knowledg e Better strategies Better functioning Improvement
Research Hypothesis Barangays at high risk of Leptospirosis after Typhoon Ondoy did not have a functionally prepared health emergency response system (HERS) to mount an effective health emergency response
Scope and Limitations
Research Objectives General Objective To determine the presence of an association, if any, between having an effective health emergency response to Leptospirosis and the presence of a functionally prepared health emergency response system in barangays at high risk for Leptospirosis after Typhoon Ondoy
Specific Objectives To determine if barangays were also able to have an effective health emergency response to the Leptospirosis outbreak despite not having a functionally prepared health emergency response system and to see what other factors contributed to the effectiveness of the response
Research Design This case control study is designed to assess and/or determine the presence of an association, if any, between having an effective health emergency response to Leptospirosis and the presence of a functionally prepared health emergency response system in flood-stricken barangays during Typhoon Ondoy
Tool for Data Collection: Interview Checklist Pre-testing of the proposed interview questionnaire will be done before the actual data collection process
Selection of Study Subjects Stratified random sampling – Pasig, Marikina, Cainta and Taytay – P value of 0.05 – Pre-testing
Sampling Methods Target Population Sample Population Number of Health Workers Purposive Sampling Stratified Simple Random Sampling
Variables and Operational Definitions Case – Barangays which were not able to mount an effective health emergency response to the Leptospirosis outbreak Control – Barangays which were able to mount an effective health emergency response to the outbreak
Exposure – Dependent on the barangay having a functionally prepared health emergency response system
Independent Variables Variables that Determine a Functionally Prepared HERS – Staff – Meetings – Trainings – Policies – Information dissemination – Other factors which the health workers think made their HERS effective
Staff – Two health workers for every 5,000 population in the barangay Meetings – The barangay health office conducts meeting to coordinate staff regarding treatment guidelines and planning
Training – Pertain to the health health workers with a degree or certification in health care ( e.g. nurse, medical technologist or midwife) Policies – Refers to the health center’s standard guidelines on Leptospirosis prevention and treatment, and/or NDCC guidelines on disaster control during floods and/or Local Government policies on barangay health emergency services
Information Dissemination – Availability of resource or teaching materials (pamphlets, visual aids) about Leptospirosis and adequate prevention measures Others – Factors which the health workers think made their HERS effective (like assistance, etc.)
Dependent Variables Variables that determine an effective Health Emergency Response System – Knowledge on Leptospirosis diagnosis, prophylaxis and management – Referral System – Patient Education on Leptospirosis prevention
Knowledge on Leptospirosis diagnosis, prophylaxis and management – Having adequate knowledge about the clinical manifestations of Leptospirosis; symptoms to suspect; risk factors; management of suspected cases Referral System – Appropriate referrals to secondary and tertiary- level hospitals to manage severe Leptospirosis cases
Patient Education on Leptospirosis prevention – Properly educating or informing residents in high- risk communities about the identification, management, and prevention of leptospirosis
Potential Biases Recall bias Response Bias Hawthorne Effect Selection Bias
Data Collection Procedure Sampling Conduct Pre-test Evaluate Pre-test Actual Data Collection Data Analysis Presentation
Data Processing Two Way tables – Where data collected will be encoded and tabulated in One Way Frequency Tables – for descriptive interpretation
Plan for Analysis Type and scale of measurement of all the variables – Qualitative – Quantitative
Association Variables The functional preparedness of the system will be measured by different factors: – Policies – Staff – Meetings – Information dissemination – Training
Comparison Variables The effectiveness of the response will be quantified by different factors – Knowledge on Leptospirosis diagnosis, prophylaxis and management – Referral system – Patient education on Leptospirosis prevention
Statistical / Analytical Tool of Measurement
Odds Ratio OR < 1: protective factor OR = 1: no association OR > 1: not a protective factor
Confidence Interval (CI) Lower and the Upper CI limits < 1 : protective factor Lower and the Upper CI limits > 1 : not a protective factor Lower and the Upper CI limits = 1 : no association
Association Determination 2 x 2 tables Chi-square
Plan for Dissemination of the Results of the Study Baseline study: –further research needed The results obtained: –Government institutions –Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health –Respondents of the study
Budget ITEMQUANTITYUNIT COSTTOTAL COST A4 bond paper500 pages50 centsPhp Ink cartridge2Php Php 1, Photocopy expenses: Questionnaire 360 pages50 centsPhp Travel expenses: Gasoline 120LPhp 40.00Php 4, Token for barangays˜30Php 100Php 3, TOTALPhp 9,230.00