Informal and usually affluent investors who provide start-up funds. Angel Investors - 3
Total amount of new funds the business generates from operations; broadest measure of profit for a firm because it includes both net income and noncash charges. Cash Flow - 7
Most common form of corporate ownership, with one vote per share for stockholders. Common Stock - 1
Using social networking to appeal to potential investors. Crowd Funding - 5
Gradual wear on capital goods that causes a decrease in value. Depreciation - 9
Check paid to stockholders, usually quarterly, representing a portion of corporate profits. Dividend - 2
Measure of business profits determined by subtracting all expenses, including taxes, from revenues. Net Income - 6
Form of stock without vote, in which stockholders get their investment back before common stockholders. Preferred Stock - 10
Certificates of ownership in a corporation; common or preferred stock. Stock
People who own a share or shares of stock in a corporation; same as shareholders. Stock Holders - 4
Lender of investment funds to a start-up business in exchange for partial ownership of the business. Venture Capitalists - 8
Create a Frayer Model for one of the words.