Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Radiation Protection of Staff
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities 1.Principles of radiation protection; 2.Conditions of employment relevant to radiation protection (e.g.. working hours and location); 3.Classification of areas; 4.Optimisation of procedures; 5.Local rules and supervision; 6.Individual monitoring and exposure assessment;
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities 7.Personal protective equipment 8.Radiation safety instructions 9.Staff and pregnancy 10.Health surveillance 11.Dose records 12.Dose constraints
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities T o understand the importance of an effective safety program to assure the protection of radiation workers; T o be able to apply the principles of the protection program to a cyclotron facility; T o appreciate the specific issues related to cyclotrons for occupational exposure.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Within a cyclotron facility: V ery high dose rates are present in the vaults during operation of the accelerator. High activities are handled routinely, resulting in a potential risk of high doses to and important contamination of staff. Employers are obliged to ensure safe working conditions. Optimisation of protection is essential.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities The type and magnitude of occupational exposure depends on the occupation or profession. For cyclotron facilities, the risk is partially the result of the exposure received as a normal part of the profession but is mainly related with the potential exposure to very high doses that might result from an accident or incident.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities The professions involved may vary from one facility to another.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Other staff potentially exposed due to cyclotron operation: Domestic staff, technical staff (e.g. electricians, plumbers) require training and, potentially, may also require personal monitoring.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities “An exposure which is expected to be received under normal operating conditions of an installation or a source, including possible minor mishaps that can be kept under control.” For example: N eutron and gamma background radiation through the shielding during cyclotron operation; R adionuclide background radiation in the hot lab; E xposure of a maintenance worker from an activated internal part of the accelerator.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities “Exposure that is not expected to be delivered with certainty but that may result from an accident at a source or owing to an event or sequence of events of a probabilistic nature, including equipment failures and operating errors.” In principle, potential exposures are avoidable and the risk can be minimized by: prevention Education/training protective equipment mitigating the effects
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities I f a radiation exposure is justified it should nevertheless be optimised such that any risks due to radiation exposure are minimised. (ALARA). As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities In general, staff of cyclotron facilities should however be individually monitored, e.g. using a film badge, TLD or pocket electronic dosimeter. All readings should be recorded for review by the RPO and Regulatory Body
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities During normal operations, routine monitoring of internal contaminations of staff should not be performed. For specific maintenance works and after any incident involving external contamination, whole body counting should be considered. As for external exposure, readings should be recorded for review by the RPO and Regulatory Body
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities O n every exit from the controlled area, a thorough monitoring of contamination of hands and feet should be performed to guarantee an early detection and to prevent any spread of the contamination. S pecial detectors are placed at the exit of the controlled area. R eadings should also be recorded.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Employers, registrants and licensees shall maintain exposure records for each worker for whom assessment of occupational exposure is required.” “Employers, registrants and licensees shall maintain exposure records for each worker for whom assessment of occupational exposure is required.” Dose records are a valuable source of information for the Regulatory Body Records shall include: Nature of the work; Time of employment/monitoring; Doses received including unusual exposure.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities w hen any of the individual dose limits are exceeded; Investigation and follow-up is required: w hen indicated by QA activities; a fter equipment failure; a fter any accidental exposure, w hen a set action level has been reached;
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities as soon as possible after the event. A written report should be prepared showing: the doses received the causes of the event the corrective actions taken Regulations may require a copy of the report to be submitted to the Regulatory Body without delay. Investigation and follow-up is required:
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities P rovide an important opportunity to learn (and promote the facility’s safety culture). T he aim should not be to lay blame. P ublication of the incident / accident will help others to avoid similar problems. I t may be useful to include an external expert in the investigation. D ocumentation is essential, particularly where there is a risk of litigation.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities M edical follow-up of exposed individuals may be required. C heck that the corrective measures actually work. I nclude the corrective measures in ongoing employee education.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Pregnant workers A prescribed dose constraint should be readily achievable provided licensees maintain appropriate protection standards and both staff and management have a sound safety culture. The contamination risk should be considered Notification of pregnancy should not be a reason to exclude a female worker from her normal duties. Occupationally exposed female staff should notify the RPO / licensee of pregnancy as soon as possible.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities N o person under the age of 16 years shall be subjected to occupational exposure. N o person under the age of 18 years shall be allowed to work in a controlled area unless supervised, and only for the purpose of training.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities No worker undertaking an intervention shall be exposed in excess of the maximum single year dose limit for occupational exposure, except: for the purpose of saving life or preventing serious injury; if undertaking actions to prevent the development of catastrophic conditions.” if undertaking actions intended to avert a large collective dose; or