U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Stakeholder’s Perspectives Sectors Dick Raman UN/CEFACT Bureau
Slide 2 UN/CEFACT Background For more than 25 years UN/CEFACT has had contributions from: –Businesses, –Governments, –Non-governmental organizations, –Individual experts worldwide Dedicating crucial resources Developing open electronic business standards Resulting in Standards and Recommendations Leading to efficiencies in business and trade.
Slide 3 UN/CEFACT UN/CEFACT Instruments Starting in the 1960s and up to the present day: UNLK and UNTDED UN Recommendations UN/EDIFACT All the Fortune 500 companies have EDI links in place ebXML initiative UN/CEFACT Core Component Library
Slide 4 UN/CEFACT Contributed Expertise Cross-Border Trade Supply Chain and e-procurement Transportation & Logistics Customs Finance Travel, Tourism and Leisure Accounting and Auditing Insurance
Slide 5 UN/CEFACT New Challenges After all the Hype we see…...emergence of global supply chains...just-in-time delivery and inventory reduction...development of multi-modal transport services...growth of lower cost electronic communications including via the Internet...increasing use of outsourcing...Single Windows to governments
Slide 6 UN/CEFACT New sectors engaging Agricultural – Tracking & Tracing of food products eGovernment – Services to the private sector Electricity – New industry initiative
Slide 7 UN/CEFACT Renewed Engagement Financial - end-to-end eprocessing of a payment WCO - define a common harmonised CCTS compliant reference data model IATA - e-freight programme with UNeDocs Insurance - National and International
Slide 8 UN/CEFACT Insurance – A Local Business With Global Needs Insurance policies are generally written on a national or provincial level Exceptions: –Reinsurance –Large Commercial –Future: Move towards single market by EU Insurance Supervision and the Need for Data Standards IAIS (International Association of Insurance Supervisors): –core principles recommend data sharing across jurisdictions and across financial services sectors in the regulation of financial conglomerates. –Global Reinsurance Market Report cites challenge to collection of meaningful data: production of global data by aggregating local data that is not compiled on a consistent basis
Slide 9 UN/CEFACT Future developments for the Centre’s products and services Unique Position for UN/CEFACT Building the eBusiness standards framework –Methodologies for Business Process modelling (UMM), –Information data modelling (CCTS), –Core Component Library, –Business Requirements Specifications (BRS), –Registry/Repository –… Foundation for responding to the modern challenges of international trade Syntax-neutral semantics implementable in: –EDI, XML, webServices, Paper. This encapsulates the power of the UN/CEFACT approach.
Slide 10 UN/CEFACT SDOs are now approaching UN/CEFACT They have: –National formats (flat file formats) –EDIFACT and PreEDIFACT EDI formats –Moved to XML as early as 1999 –Wide spread implementation They need: Semantic interoperability at a global level. UN/CEFACT can offer platform for alignment between these different XML approaches through the adoption of CCTS.
Slide 11 UN/CEFACT Some Topics for an Exchange of Views: A Starting Point How can sectors specifically benefit from UN/CEFACT work, particularly to enable greater efficiencies and the facilitation of international trade? Where should the UN/CEFACT priorities be focused in the near and medium-term? How important are the benefits that would be offered by the collaboration of UN/CEFACT and WCO to define the proposed Common Reference Data Model? Where and what are the opportunities for enhanced benefits to be gained from cross-sector collaboration through UN/CEFACT activities? What are the opportunities for broader sectoral participation and involvement of national and governmental operational experts in UN/CEFACT?