X-Socks Colleen Smith ITMG Professor Rebman
What is so special about X-socks? X-socks.com
Benefits of X-socks Comfort level Versatility Moisture wicking Antibacterial
What makes these socks antibacterial? Yarn made with silver ions Silver ions disrupt the reproduction of bacteria cells ◦Thus, killing them. Wicks excess moisture to outer layer of sock ◦Prevents diseases such as Athlete’s foot
Since when is silver antibacterial?
Silver > Antibiotics? Increased resistance to antibiotics over time Fewer side effects with silver.
X-socks are versatile Everyone can use X-socks Perfect for many sports Gender specific socks Many Olympians use them
Works Cited Huff, Ethan. "Colloidal Silver Is an Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Miracle." Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More. 14 Oct Web. 20 Apr News, Health Freedom. "Silver Ions - New Standard In Medicine & Industry Microbecide™ Ionic Silver Technology, Efficacy, Safety." Microbecide® Silver Ion Complex - Kills A/H1N1, HFMD, Bird Flu, SARS, MRSA, AIDS - 24 Hr Active Defence. Web. 20 Apr X-SOCKS® Home | X-SOCKS® International - Award Winner, Test Winner, High Performance, Socks, Bike Socks, Running Socks. Web. 20 Apr