Wildlife deterrent and monitoring system Team 12 Team Members: Andres Alim Andre John H. Vargas March 31st, 2014 Monitoring system that will make gardening easier and more bountiful
1. Voltage regulators – April 2 nd 2. Layout of the pipework for the solenoid valves– April 6 th 3. Prototype complete –April 15 th
Testing of the codes to work simultaneously Testing of mechanical relay vs. transistor switch Talked to Z-bolt about the laser Choosing the right amount of voltage
Troubleshooting Making do with the solenoid valves received Testing Bluetooth with the EC-shield to send data Designing a website Finish writing the first draft of the final report
Writing of the code for the EC-shield and speaker Assembling of the probe for the EC- shield Soldering of the voltage regulators to the protoboard