HeD Pilots Wolters Kluwer Health S&I Framework February 25, 2013
Pilot Team 10/11/20112 NameRole Steve Howard Christy
Goal of the Pilot Support the development of a national standard for shareable, executable CDS artifacts Demonstrate that a shareable ECA rule and/or documentation template can be created, deployed and executed in an EHR Support the implementation and testing of the HeD artifact Sharing Use Case 1 Implementation Guide and provide feedback and additional specifications as needed 10/11/20113
What portions of the IG are you Piloting 10/11/20114 Section of IGSpecifics to PilotNotes ECA RuleUpToDate Practice Changing Update Transform HeD artifact into data file for MEL component and deploy to a healthcare facility
Identify the Use Case Actors Involved: CDS Knowledge Artifact Supplier – Wolters Kluwer Health CDS Knowledge Artifact Integrator – Wolters Kluwer Health, working with a 3 rd party company and a local hospital 10/11/20115
Minimum Configuration WK Health will produce the HeD artifact and transform it into a data file for a MEL component. We’ll then arrange for it to be deployed into a live EHR system The EHR system (consumer) will have the ability to process problem codes in ICD-9 or SNOMED-CT and medication codes in RxNorm 10/11/20116
Timeline 10/11/20117 MilestoneTarget DateResponsible Party Create HeD ArtifactMarch 15, 2013Steve Claypool Transform to data file for MEL component April 1, 2013Howard Strasberg Deploy data file for MEL component to hospital April 15, 2013Howard Strasberg Analyze & report resultsMay 1, 2013TBD (Both)
Success Criteria Deployment of ECA Rule into live EHR environment 10/11/20118
In Scope/Out of Scope In Scope: Actions as described in the HeD Pilots meeting on February 4, 2013 ECA Rule and /or documentation template Out of Scope: Actions as described in the HeD Pilots meeting on February 4, /11/20119
Questions/Needs Will need at least one artifact consumer or integration partner 10/11/201110
Helpful References Use Case 1: Implementation Guide for UC 1: Standards+%28Implementation%29 (see the “Final Consensus and Harmonization”) Standards+%28Implementation%29 Pilots Wiki Page: /11/201111
Appendix A: timeline details 10/11/ Goal & Activities Week Number Tentative DatesDeliverables Kickoff /Establish Goals & Partnerships: - Review HeD Initiative Goals - Review Piloting Process & Resources - Define Value Statement - Define HeD Pilot Goals & Success Metrics - Establish & Approve Pilots - Develop Pilot Briefs 1-2 (2wks) 1/07-1/21 -Wiki Capturing Pilot Deliverables -Established Partnerships -Documented Value Statements and Success Metrics -Documented Pilot Briefs Pilot Configuration: - Establish Pilot Test Environment & Resources - Establish Pilot Implementation & Testing Process - Develop & Review Pilot Configuration 3-4 (2 wks) 1/28- 2/11 -Approved Pilot Briefs -Committed Pilot Resources -Documented & Reviewed Pilot Configuration Guide -Weekly Feedback on Use-Cases & IG Alignment Pilot Development : - Setup & Develop Pilot Prototypes - Review prototypes 5-10 (6 wks or less depending on Pilot activity) 2/11-3/25 -Weekly Pilot Development Status Updates -Weekly Feedback on Use-Cases & IG Alignment -Updates to Pilot Configuration Guides -Prepare for HL7 UC 1 re-ballot Pilot Testing & Showcase : - Complete Testing - Prepare Solution Showcase (2wks) 4/1-4/15-Weekly Pilot Testing Updates & KPIs -Showcase Pilot Wrap-up : - Develop Lessons Learned an ONC Feedback - Review Initiative Goal Alignment - Establish Next-Steps (2 wks) 4/15-4/29-Documented ONC Feedback - Next Steps Action Plan