ENLARGED LYMPH NODE Normally lymph nodes are not palpable Enlargement most commonly due to Allergy Acute inflammation Lymphoma Leukemia Metastasis
ACTINIC CHEILITIS Degenerative changes of the lips due to sun exposure Premalignant lesion Most commonly seen in people who spend lots of time outdoors
RECURRENT HERPES LABIALIS(COLD SORE) A recurrent infection of herpes simplex that affects the lips and genetalia Recurrences triggered by many factors(sun, stress, colds, trauma) Lesions are infectious
COMMISSURAL LIP PITS Small mucosal invaginations at the corners of the mouth Most likely developmental defect Found in 12 to 20% of the population
RACIAL PIGMENTATION Melanin deposition in any mucosal tissue Most common on gingiva
MUCOCELE Common lesion of oral mucosa(usually lower lip) that results from the rupture of and accessory salivary gland duct Lesions will burst and may recur
APHTHOUS ULCER Shallow painful ulcer(s) that occurs on non-keratinized unbound mucosa Covered by yellow-white fibrinopurulent membrane encircled by an erythematous halo
LEUKOEDEMA Diffuse grayish-white milky appearance of the buccal mucosa Appearance will disappear when cheek is everted and stretched Most common in African-Americans
CHEEK BITING(MORSICATIO BUCCARUM) Ragged, irregular white tissue of the buccal mucosa in the line of occlusion May be ulcerated Due to chewing or biting the cheeks May also be seen on labial mucosa
LINEA ALBA A white line along the line of occlusion Due to buildup of keratin as a result of frictional irritation(chewing, grinding)
TRAUMATIC FIBROMA Firm, smooth surfaced, pink nodule similar in color to surrounding mucosa Usually present in response to trauma Usually present for long periods unchanged
AMALGAM TATOO A blue or black area usually on the gingival ridge adjacent to a large restoration Result of impregnation of amalgam fragment into the tissue
MAXILLARY TORUS(TORUS PALATINUS) Common exostosis arising from the midline of the hard palate May be single dome shaped or multilocular Very common(20 – 35%)
MANDIBULAR TORUS(TORUS MANDUBULARIS) Common exostosis that develops along the lingual aspect of the mandible in the region of the premolars May occur as single or multiple Occurs 5 – 40%
BIFID UVULA Manifestation of an incomplete clefting of the palate
ANKYLOGLOSSIA Developmental anomally of the tongue Short, thick lingual frenum attached at or near the tip of the tongue Results in limited movement of tongue
SCALLOPED TONGUE Indentations along the lateral borders of the tongue Indentations correspond to the teeth Thought to be habitual pushing of tongue against teeth
TONGUE JEWELRY Pierced tongue Can affect the teeth and/or gingiva
GEOGRAPHIC TONGUE Multiple well-demarcated zones of erythema in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue Due to atrophy of filiform papillae Found in 1-3% of population
LINGUAL VARICOSITIES Enlarged, dilated bluish-purple blebs on the ventral surface of the tongue Usually found in older adults(2/3 over 60)
LINGUAL TONSILS Accessory tonsillar (lymphoid) tissue found on the lateral and dorsal posterior surface of the tongue
FISSURED TONGUE Presence of grooves or fissures on the dorsum of the tongue Severity varies Usually asymptomatic
HAIRY TONGUE Marked accumulation of keratin on the filiform papillae resulting in a “hair-like” appearance Papillae may become stained