GALATIANS Chapter 2 BY GRACE AND GRACE ALONE I.INTRODUCTION A.Continue Paul’s letter to the Galatians.
1.Listening to people trying to trip them up. a)Could not be good Christians without the Law. II.Galatians 2:1 A.Over issue of circumcision. 1.Act 15:1-2
III.Galatians 2:2-3 A.By “revelation” = Paul and others needed to go up to Jerusalem. 1.Needed a Spirit of unity and bond of peace. a)Motive = to make sure HE was on the right track!
b)No one though he was a Greek, compelled to be circumcised. IV.Galatians 2:4-5 A.Need meeting in Jerusalem! 1.These guys “false” and “brethren.
a)Intentions = trip them up! b)They didn’t give any ground. (1)Paul was “glued” to these guys! V.Galatians 2:6-10 A.Paul not impressed with the “pillars” of the church!
1.People put people on pedestals, not the Lord!! 2.Those who seemed to be in charge added nothing! a)Recognized the work of the Holy Spirit! b)Extended the right hand of fellowship to Paul. c)Added - reminder to take care of the poor!
(1)Act 15:28-29 (2)Things Paul had taught them! VI.Galatians 2:11-12 A.No problem dealing with the “big shots!” 1.God doesn’t play favorites.
2.Beef with Peter was: a)He wasn’t consistent! (1)Would “hang” with the Gentiles, except when those of the circumcision were around. VII.Galatians 2:13
A.Peter influenced Barnabas, = others! 1.Each had “circle of friends”! a) “Hypocrite” = “play act.” VIII.Galatians 2:14 A.Door of grace swings both ways!”
1.“If God’s grace gives you freedom from the law?” IX.Galatians 2:15-16 A.The law couldn’t save us!” 1.Galatians 3:10 2. James 2:10
X.Galatians 2:17-18 A.If the law is re-instituted, then Christ would be a legalist! 1.He would judge sin based upon obedience to the law! a)We have all failed! XI.Galatians 2:19-21
A.We can’t have it both ways! 1.Either by grace or the law!