Period 7
The more curved side generates low air pressures, due to more surface area. While high pressure air, pushes on the other side of the design. The result is the high air pressure on the bottom pushes the blade up causing rotations.
Wind In Florida
blades- the arm of a propeller or other similar rotary mechanism, as an electric fan or turbine rotor- Electricity. a rotating member of a machine pitch- the turning of the blades into or out of the wind to adjust the rotation speed and the generated power brake- is used to hold the turbine at rest for maintenance low-speed shaft- The rotor turns the low-speed shaft at about 30 to 60 rotations per minute. gear box- a collection of mechanical components that deliver maximum power from an engine by managing a series of gear ratios that in turn operate a transmission. generator- a machine that converts one form of energy into another, especially mechanical energy into electrical energy. controller- a system that control the blades angel and makes a grid for all wind generators in a wind turbine farm anemometer- an instrument used for measuring the speed of wind wind vane- used to measure wind direction and tells the yaw drive to turn the turbine towards the wind nacelle- the streamlined housing that contains the inner workings of the wind turbine high-speed shaft- drives the generator yaw drive- component of the horizontal axis, ensures that it produces the maximum amount of electricity. yaw motor- powers the yaw drive tower- raises the turbine to enable it to capture higher speed winds