American History Unit: Westward Expansion A Day: Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Objective SWBT will describe key components of the Western Expansion Era through notes and discussion.
Agenda DO NOW – On board Discuss Discuss DO NOW Complete “Just the Facts” activity PowerPoint & noes
American History Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Objective SWBT will describe key components of the Western Expansion Era through notes and discussion. DO NOW Look at the following three pictures. Describe what you see in each and what it may tell you about the developing cultures as Americans expanded into the west. Native Americans – before the expansion when millions lived When Americans killed the buffalo because they were in the way Today – only a few and hunted for spor t
Just the Facts! Write at least two facts about each of the following found in pages 202 through 205 your text: – Great Plains – Culture of Native Americans – Settlers – Silver and gold discoveries – Sitting Bull – George A. Custer – Massacre at Sand Creek – Treaty of Fort Laramie – Indian Reservations – Bozeman Trail
Power Point