Factor: Immigration
Why and how was immigration a factor of industrialization?
Was there a difference between immigration to the East Coast and immigration to the West Coast?
Take a Tour of Angel Island As you watch note facts that can be learned about immigration and immigrants.watch
Emma Lazarus Read her poem What is ironic about some of her wording (diction)?
Immigration and Labor Read the Workingman’s Address from 1878 Annotate to identify use of language and elements of argumentative speech
Summing it up Immigration was clearly a necessary factor of industrialization. Explain how this factor illustrates the “gilded” nature of the era.
Assignment We will be spending part of block this week examining the labor movement. In preparation, review the following events from your reading: Haymarket Strike Homestead Strike Pullman Strike Then go to “U.S. History Slideshows” at my website and view the slideshow “Labor Organization” ; take notes as directed.