Hymn 63 Sing Songs of Praise to Him!. Verse 1 Praise the Eternal with a psalm; sing songs of praise to Him!


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Presentation transcript:

Hymn 63 Sing Songs of Praise to Him!

Verse 1 Praise the Eternal with a psalm; sing songs of praise to Him!

Play on the timbrel and the harp, and make a joyful noise!

This is a statute and a law God has ordained for us,

In the appointed time to keep; this do on God’s solemn feast!

Verse 2 Blow on the trumpet; sing a psalm; make joyful noise to God!

He has delivered us from sin, saved us from Egypt’s land!

We cried to God in bondage there; God heard and answered us;

From thunderclouds He answered us: “Hear, O My people, hear My words!”

Last Verse But His own people would not hear; they would not hear His voice;

They only wanted their own way, following their own hearts.

“O that My people would obey, walking in all My ways!

I should have soon delivered them, turned My hand against their foes!”