“Make it new!” --Ezra Pound
Group/Pair Analysis Analyze and discuss for: StyleMoodTheme Verbiage (choice/use of words)
“The Rebirth of Slick” Listen and analyze for style Sound and rhythm Content
“Man, if you gotta ask you’ll never know.” --Louis Armstrong, when asked what jazz is
Group/Pair Analysis Draw a connection between the song and the Armstrong quote What ideas are the same? Tone? Mood? Attitude?
“Bullet the Blue Sky” Listen and analyze for style Sound and rhythm Content
Group/Pair Analysis Analyze and discuss for: StyleMoodTheme Verbiage (choice/use of words)
“Poets in our civilization, as it exists at present, must be difficult….The poet must become more comprehensive, more allusive, more indirect, in order to force, to dislocate if necessary, language into its meaning.” --T.S. Eliot From “The Metaphysical Poets”
Group/Pair Analysis Compare/contrast the songs and quotes: –How do they differ? –How are they alike? –What story do they tell? –How do they represent, or rather, characterize, America?
The Modern Age 1900-present Harlem Renaissance: early 20 th century, reached its peak in 1920s Modernism (The Lost Generation): reaction to WWI and Roaring Twenties
Homework: Read and take notes: –“The American Dream” p –“A New Cultural Identity” p –“Isolation of the Individual” p Langston Hughes Author Study p Familiarize yourself with the Timelines on p.914 and 920