Dr. Vasuprada Kartic NAC Batch IX PGDCPM
What is Self Awareness? It is the awareness of what is happening with ourselves at in terms of mood and the accompanying feelings, both at the physical and the mental levels. It could be the non reactive and nonjudgemental attention to inner states.
What’s the effect? Self awareness has a more powerful effect on the stronger and aversive feelings. It gives a greater degree of freedom, the option to act on the aversive feelings or to let go the emotions.
Negative and positive reactions and the awareness exercises.
The conscious is aware of what is happening and hence can be worked with more easily. The unconscious retains much information which the conscious mind is not aware of. Various mechanisms are at work during this process.
Increased heart beat Rushing of blood to face etc. Lightheadedness Body either freezes or becomes restless
Mental reactions Brings the immediate negative emotions leading to mood change. May bring back the past experiences or trigger worry for the future. Distortion in overall perception. Leads to warped perception, action, reaction cycle.
Style 1 Self aware style: are aware of their emotions, boundaries more autonomous in their behavior, more positive about life They do not brood over bad moods and thoughts but are able to tackle,overcome and mange the upset feelings and mood.
Style 2 Engulfed : their moods are their masters as they are constantly under the influence of their mercurial feelings and moods. They do not get a chance to have a perspective about their moods, as they cannot escape nor control their overwhelming feelings and reactions to them.
Style 3 Accepting: They accept their moods and feelings not trying to change the pattern. Over accepting the way things are that they don’t have the motivation to change anything about the situation and themselves. Resigning to the feelings as a depressive person would without thinking of the possibility of anything getting better.
Increasing self awareness Give time to yourself to just absorb. Start to feel the process happening at both mental and physical levels. Reflect, introspect on the feelings and reactions generated. If needed retrospection about certain past events could help the process of controlling the raection patterns Increased awareness leads to better control.
What are the other tools? Feedback from others: this can take place only when we and the others giving the feedback have the objectivity to give a non-biased feedback, and it requires the person receiving to refrain from branding the feedback giver. Personality profiling: the assessment can give an idea about whether one is an introvert, extrovert, level of intelligence etc.
Some common types Perfectionists Romantics Achievers Asserters Questioners Adventurers Observers Peacemakers
What are the factors ? Early home environment Social interactions during the growing years Life experiences Emotional experiences Physical illnesses in the developmental phases What’s happening with the environment around.
To mould the personality Identifying and increasing the positive qualities Developing the maturity to accept the negatives in the right spirit. Seeking the support to work with them Understanding the perception patterns Learning to monitor the reactions Aiming for neutrality & objectivity when assessing.