The Heart: The heart is a very important organ in the body. It’s about the size of a pear in your chest. The heart is like a little pump that pushes blood through the whole body to make sure you have blood from head to toe. The heart gets messages from the body that tell it when to pump more or less blood depending on your body’s needs.
More about the Heart: It usually beats from 60 to 100 times per minute, but can go much faster. It beats about 100,000 times a day! More than 30 million times per year! About 2.5 billion times in a 70-year lifetime! When we're sleeping, it pumps just enough needed by our body. When we're exercising or frightened, the heart pumps faster to deliver oxygen to the body. heart beating normal. slow heart beat fast heart beat
How can we keep our Heart healthy? Eat healthy foods, with good fats, not unhealthy fats. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Exercise to strengthen your heart and help you get fit. Drink lots of water to make it easier for your blood to pump through your body. Have a good nights rest to prepare your heart for the next days hard work.