TypeCraft Software Evaluation 21/02/ :45 Powered by None Complete: 10 On, Partial: 0 Off, Excluded: 0 Off Country: All, Region: All, City: All Sources: All Response filters: Question filters:
1. What is your level of experience using software? 1.1 Experience using similar software for your needs Powered by
1. What is your level of experience using software? 1.2 Experience using our software for your needs Powered by
2. Have you used an interlinear glossing software before? Powered by
3. Are you using a multi-media annotation tool such as ELAN or an audio annotation tool such as Praat or Transcriber parallel to annotating with TypeCraft? - Comments Powered by 1. NO 2. Praat and transcriber parallel to annotating with typecraft 3. I have used Praat sometimes. 4. Elan 5. Elan, Praat 6. no
4. Please rate your experience with the TC Editor: 4.1 Ease of importing data Powered by
4. Please rate your experience with the TC Editor: 4.2 Ease of creating phrases Powered by
4. Please rate your experience with the TC Editor: 4.3 Ease of asigning morpheme boundaries Powered by
4. Please rate your experience with the TC Editor: 4.4 Ease of adding new annotations Powered by
4. Please rate your experience with the TC Editor: 4.5 Ease of changing existing annotations Powered by
4. Please rate your experience with the TC Editor: - Comments Powered by 1. After exporting data, the print-out does not come out nicely for long phrases especially in Bantu languages. 2. It is easy to add new phrases at the end of a text, but it is a hassle to add phrases to the middle of a text, especially if the phrases following are already annotated. 3. I can import data? I didn't know that! I'll need to find out how...
5. Have you tried to use the system's global tags? What is your experience? - Comments Powered by NIL- 2. Helpful and user friendly. 3. No, I didn't need. 4. it is quite nice, but there should be a possibility of creating language-specific tags 5. Not yet 6. I use them, but I find them pretty terrible. They represent a theoretical stance that is quite foreign to me. I'd prefer it if we could set our own somehow. 7. yes, and I enjoy them. Actually, I could recommend a system called 'Construction Labeling'...
6. Please rate the time requirements for learning the use of the software: 6.1 Time required for learning the import of data to the TC Editor Powered by
6. Please rate the time requirements for learning the use of the software: 6.2 Time required for learning the creation of phrases and assigning morpheme boundaries Powered by
6. Please rate the time requirements for learning the use of the software: 6.3 Time required for learning annotating with the TC Editor Powered by
7. Would you have liked to attend a training session or wished for more instructions on the TypeCraft site? Would you have liked to get in contact with other TypeCraft users to discuss questions? - Comments Powered by 1. i WOULD LIKE TO GET TRAININ ON HOW TO USE TYPECRAFT WITH ANOTHER TOOL E.G. ELAN 2. Yes. 3. I had training sections, about contact with other users, I would like them to interact more in the discussion pages. 4. There could be more information on the possibilities beyond the editor. Like creating project websites for presentations and how to link those sites with examples, etc. Maybe an example site could help. 5. Yes I would want whenever possible. 6. I don't really like training sessions. I found some of the helpful information hard to find. 7. asking people familiar with the system is often helpful
8. TypeCraft Search facility 8.1 How often do you use TC search when working on your own data? Powered by
9. Please rate the following aspects of the search facility: 9.1 Layout of the search page Powered by
9. Please rate the following aspects of the search facility: 9.2 Comprehensiveness of the search Powered by
9. Please rate the following aspects of the search facility: 9.3 Readability of the search output Powered by
9. Please rate the following aspects of the search facility: 9.4 Export of search output Powered by
9. Please rate the following aspects of the search facility: 9.5 Overall usefulness of the search Powered by
9. Please rate the following aspects of the search facility: - Comments Powered by 1. Some people prefer to have the phrase translation at the very end of the annotation. Having not used other annotators, I do not know how this compares with others. 2. I haven't used it much yet, so I can't really say
10. Please rate the following aspects of the data-export facility: 10.1 Suitablility of offered export formats Powered by
10. Please rate the following aspects of the data-export facility: 10.2 Ease of integrating the tabular export into your text editor Powered by
10. Please rate the following aspects of the data-export facility: 10.3 Ease of exporting several examples (batch export) Powered by
10. Please rate the following aspects of the data-export facility: - Comments Powered by 1. Exported data doesn't come out well for long phrases. The space between phrases is long in printouts. 2. Sometimes it is a little difficult to edit the format of the data in the text editor. 3. I have not yet dealt with batch export. I have only used one phrase at ago. 4. We're only interested in the xml export, and that works very nicely.
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.1 Overall feel Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.2 Management of my data Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.3 Usabilitity of the TC Editor Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.4 Usability of TC search Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.5 Usability of data-export Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.6 Support Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.7 Meets requirements Powered by
11. What is your overall opinion of the following aspects of the software: 11.8 Meets expectations Powered by
12. Please comment on any aspect, positive or negative, that you feel would be helpful for us to know. - Comments Powered by 1. I believe the users would benefit a lot of more interaction in the discussion pages I think that the TC Team need to reach out to many more persons to show them the usefulness of TC. 3. I like that TC remembers words and will gloss them automatically. It'll only do that for works with a simple morpheme structure, though. If a word consists of two or more morphemes, I have to manually gloss them, which means that I will gloss something like 1SG.PSSOR-mother about 100 times, even though the form is totally unambiguous. The global tag set is really terrible (I know I already said it, but I thought I'd reiterate) and it would be nice if that was customizable. The fact that I spent hours browsing about on the TC site and only today learn about the import function suggests that it's hidden too well ;) I'll go and find out about it later. On the whole, I really like it. 4. so much I could say...