OLC = O n L ine C ontest OLC Web Site
Once off - Register
Once a year – Re-register
Once you are registered (for free) you can do a Flight Claim Use the Name under which you registered
Select your OLC file from Maxpunkte
Submit your OLC file that you created with software like Maxpunkte
Make sure all the info is correct. In this case the country is wrong. Shows USA
Changed country to South Africa
Red Text = fix it
Once all the info is there the Claim Flight button appears
Tips from Arnold With the OLC file add your IGC file Add a takeoff time, use 1 minute before Save the reference number with the file like 54OULFA1.527fdc47c7.olc Pay Arnold an annual OLC fee Arnold
And after you claimed your flight you are back at the Welcome page
The daily score
Worldwide - 6 best flights
Main OLC site, Manufacturer score
SWING Worldwide
OLC Swing SA
Club Level Scoring
Clubs scored against each other
Example of a daily SA Score
SA 6 best flights – PG / Sport
SA Pilots
No GPS ? GC.htmlhttp://t3d2.sourceforge.net/Applets/IGC/MakeI GC.html Type in take off and landing coordinates And you get a straight line IGC file for Maxpunkte and then submit to OLC
All ready to go ….. ?