Healthy Relationships Relationship – a bond or connection you have with other people
Family relationships Immediate family Extended family Parents/guardians and siblings Extended family Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins
Friendships Friendship – a significant relationship between two people that is based on caring, trust, and consideration Share similar values Can influence you May be hard work
Community Relationships Citizenship – the way you conduct yourself as a member of the community Members work together to promote safety and well-being for the entire community
Roles with Peers, Family, and Friends Role – part you play in a relationship May be obvious Sometimes less clear
Three C’s of healthy relationships Communication Your ways of sending and receiving messages Cooperation Working together for the good of all Compromise A problem-solving method that involves each participant’s giving up something to reach a solution that satisfies everyone Used to create a win-win situation Give and take
Communication Communication is important in your overall health Has a direct impact on your mental/emotional development The right communication techniques are coping skills that allow a person to set healthy boundaries Help you to solve problems in a productive way Social health Enhance quality of relationships
Communication People with poor communication skills often turn to other things to help them cope with the demands of life Substance abuse, eating disorders, etc. Communication skills are taught in rehab
Negative Forms of communication Passive Non-committal statements Let people walk all over you Key words – maybe, sometimes, I don’t know, you decide… Aggressive Showing no respect for the other person Things to watch for – tone of voice, volume, physical aggression… “You” message Passive-Aggressive Hidden aggression
Effective Communication Assertive Getting your point across in a respectful way “I” statement format “I feel _____________ when you ___________ I wish/want/hope/need ________________”