1 Networking 101 The benefits of networking... Provides insight and information Develops interpersonal/communication skills Introduces you to new, interesting and helpful people Makes you an interesting and helpful person Enables you to quantify and reach your goals The “parts” of networking... PREPARE (Set objectives, organize approach, create personal “cheat” sheets.) ACT (Start talking to people about your objectives and how they may help you.) RECIPROCATE (Return the favors - provide contacts, information, ideas, etc.) TRACK (Keep records; build your “rolodex”. Build a “networking practices” file of what worked/didn’t work; maintain reference materials.) SUSTAIN (Keep it up and make it a life long practice. Never stop!) The ways to network... In person On the phone Written correspondence (includes ) Social Networking (LinkedIn, Facebook) Every Day interactions (having genuine relationships with whomever you encounter daily)
2 Networking 101 Helpful hints... Create a list of information and insights that you would like to gain Prepare a “pitch” and questions you would like to have answered Pitch doesn’t have to be perfectly rehearsed—you don’t want to sound like a robot Let conversations start naturally Develop a plan – who to contact and how Start with your “warm” contacts—those who already know you, like you, and will help you Know your audience and think through the most appropriate and respectful way to contact them Consider EVERY conversation/contact an opportunity to network... therefore, every contact should lead to another contact Don’t disregard your peers or your family... they have their own insights from their networking Be patient. Networking is about building relationships for the long term. Saint Mary’s Alumnae are a great starting point for networking!! REMEMBER: Networking is NOT contacting someone for a job, it IS contacting someone to gain information or counsel that will move you closer to your (personal or professional) goal.
3 Networking Worksheet Getting started... FOCUS!!! 1.What do you want to learn about? (Put an “X” in one of the following boxes) A profession? A company? A city (housing costs, locations of neighborhoods, transportation, etc.)? Graduate study? Volunteer opportunities? Other alums/professionals who attained your degree and what they did after graduation? 2.List three specific questions about the subject you chose in step 1: 1._____________________________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Identify three Alumnae Board Members you’d like to connect with; note why/how they could help. 1._______________________________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Prepare your “opening pitch” for each networking interaction. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4 Networking 101 I am a ____________ with a major in ______________ and am interested in_____. I have had experience with ___________ through my courses/internships/work experience/volunteering. I am seeking___________________ where I can ________________. I am interested in living in___________. Closing question asking them for the type of help you seek. My Name is _______ and I am a current Saint Mary’s senior. I am majoring in communications with a minor in psychology and am interested in one day becoming a speech pathologist. I have had experience with communication disorders/speech at local elementary schools where I have completed my course practica. I am seeking an opportunity post graduation where I can gain more experience working with special needs children prior to going to graduate school for speech pathology. I’m interested in moving to ________. Do you happen to know anyone in those fields or in that area that I could speak with? Template Sample