Mentoring: The Right Thing to Do Revisions to the FTM Facilitator Training and Approval Process
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Today’s Purpose Review of: Revised FTM Facilitator Training Mentor Role and Expectations FTM Regional Contact Role and Expectations How to Increase Mentor Capacity
Revised FTM Facilitator Training Class size: 14(min) 25(max) Training scheduled 3 times per year Will add classes if these are filled and more are needed
Revised FTM Facilitator Training Major Differences: Four days long, with TOL done before classroom training Mentors are asked to attend last day of class Lots of facilitation practice during class Field Practice completed within 60 days of classroom training Facilitator Approval within 90 days of classroom training
Revised FTM Facilitator Training Private Provider Training/Approval Must be assigned a mentor and registered by the FTM Regional Contact Must complete the TOL and field practice Final approval completed by Regional staff Successfully completed approval forms submitted to Betsy Lerner, State Office
MENTOR CHARACTERISTICS Good listening and communication skills Mindful of tone Gives criticism when needed Respectful Good group skills Encouraging Nurturing Flexible Desires to see others succeed Dependable Trustworthy
MENTOR KNOWLEDGE Is able to facilitate FTMs according to policy and best practice Understands field practice process and is able to mentor a trainee Commits to acquiring appropriate knowledge and skills to mentor others in FTM process Is informed and keeps updated on policy and best practice Continues to develop mastery of FTM facilitation skills in self
MENTOR ROLE AND EXPECTATIONS MENTOR Before Training Introductions Invite to observe FTMs Answer questions During Training Attend last day of class Meet with Trainee Give feedback, discuss SMART Plan Plan for field practice During Field Practice Assist Trainee so FP completed within 60 days Send required electronic copies to Regional FTM Contact and Audrey Richards
FTM REGIONAL CONTACT ROLE AND EXPECTATIONS Central contact for the Region Mentor assignments within Region Plans (chairs?) Regional Support Team Meetings Submits Quarterly Regional Reports to State QAT Reports out once a year at QAT
NEXT STEPS Increasing Mentor capacity Process to become a mentor
Becoming a Mentor Identify approved facilitators in your Region with characteristics and knowledge base to become a mentor Have an experienced mentor observe candidate facilitate, document on “FTM Facilitator Approval Evaluation” tool Must rate “met” on all bolded items; looking for a few “exceeded expectations” with behavioral description of strengths in the summary areas. Submit to Education and Training & we will
MENTORING: THE RIGHT THING TO DO Questions Please contact Betsy Lerner