AP French Language and Culture Exam Information Lynn Gouacide
STANDARDS xecsumm_rev.pdf AP Central & College Board This course is comparable to third year college and university courses
Just to mention a few… Students will be able to: - Identify and summarize main points and significant details. - Make appropriate inferences and predictions. - Write a cohesive and coherent analytical or persuasive essay. - Describe, narrate, and present information and own opinion. - Recognize cultural elements.
Setting Credit and Placement Policies for AP Grading It helps students find the credit hours and advances placement they can receive for qualifying exam scores within each AP subject. AP Credit Policy information is available at
Exam Students will be provided contexts for doing exam tasks. Cultural knowledge will be assessed throughout the exam, not in a separate “Culture” section. Students will work with a greater variety of authentic materials, both print and audio, reflecting the linguistic and cultural diversity of the French-speaking world. In spoken and written responses, accuracy of content will be important, as well as linguistic accuracy.
AP Exam Format Overall structure of the exam Overall structure of the exam Section I (Interpretive Communication, 50% of total score) Multiple-choice: 65 items in 9 sets (4 reading, 2 listening and reading combined, 3 listening) Section 2 (Interpersonal and Presentational Communication, 50% of total score) Free Response: 4 items Interpersonal Writing Presentational Writing Interpersonal Speaking Presentational Speaking
AP Exam Format Multiple-Choice Section (65 items, 9 sets; 50% of total score) SectionTask Model Number of Items Section 1: Interpretive Communication Reading Sets Promotional Material 5 Literary Text 7 Article and Chart 11 Letter 7 Listening and Reading Sets Audio Report and Article 10 4 listen 4 read 2 both Conversation and Chart 7 3 listen 3 read 1 both Listening Sets Interview 5 Instructions 5 Presentation 8
AP Exam Format Free Response Section (4 items, 50% of total score) Section and PartMode Integration of Skills Task Model Section 2A: Interpersonal Writing Interpersonal Writing based on Reading Reply Section 2B: Presentational Writing Presentational Writing based on Reading and Listening Persuasive Essay Section 2C: Interpersonal Speaking Interpersonal Speaking and Listening Conversation Section 2D: Presentational Speaking PresentationalSpeaking Cultural Comparison