DO’S OF MARRIAGE Matthew 7:12
GOOD COMMUNICATION Gaining knowledge requires it, Jas 1:19 Listen more and talk less, Eccl 10:12-14 Demanding is not communicating “Too much talk and not enough talk” Gossip and slander, Psa 50:20 Quarreling, Prov 26:20-21 Silent treatment, Eph 4:25 1 Pet 3:7; Eph 5:22-25,
GOOD COMMUNICATION Communication skills (Isa 50:4) Be respectful, Prov 25:11; 15:23 Seize the moment (Eph 5:16) It’s a two-way street (Jas 1:19) Probe for more insight (Prov 18:13) Be honest, Eph 4:25-27 “Marriage Communication”, Terry Northcutt 1 Pet 3:7; Eph 5:22-25,
RESOLVING CONFLICTS Know what the conflict is about, Prov 18:13; 15:28 Humility to admit personal contribution to the conflict, Jno 8:7; Matt 7:2 4
RESOLVING CONFLICTS Wisdom to address the conflict, James 3:13, Patience toward each other, Luke 6:37-38 Repent when you sin, Luke 19:8 Forgive when sinned against, Col 3:
SHARED INTERESTS AND GOALS Don’t forget what love looks like, 1 Cor 13:4-8 Money, Matt 6:24-25; 1 Ths 4:11-12 Children, Psa 127:3-5; Eph 6:4 God, Gen 2:22-23; 1 Pet 3:7 6
WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER AS ONE Be doers, Jno 13:17; Jas 1:25 - Don’t stop talking and listening, Matt 13:15 -Attitude is everything! Eph 4:1-3 -Respect each other, Eph 5:33 -Seek respectful solutions (Gen 13:8) -Be companions, Gen 2:23 7
MARRIAGE An action word! Marriage succeeds when service replaces self; when “you” replaces “me” and when holy living replaces sinful treatment of one another, Eph 5:33 8