Working group Vision
Progress & planning working group Vision March 1&2, 2005: 1 st C&LG-expert group –Vision working group was formed –Analysis of existing vision documents June 2005: e-inventory of main strategic objectives of C&LR member organisations –Replies from 16 organisations September 2005: discussion at GA Reykjavik –Approach approved –Agreement on planning November 2005: 2 nd C&LG-expert group January 2006: draft vision document Spring 2006: feedback September 2006: approval by GA Amsterdam
Program November Vision group Monday 9:00 –Progress report Monday 10:00-13:30 –Clients and services –Content –Integration Monday 16:00-17:00 –Organisational aspects Tuesday 11:30-13:30 –Reporting back in plenary –Plenary discussion –Conclusion
Inventory of strategic objectives Business vs Organisational Business: –Clients –Services –Quality/content/digitizing –Integration registers-cadastres-public restrictions –Integration cadastre-topographic mapping –Integration with other info
Organisational: –Organisational change –Cooperation –Staff –ICT –Performance
Clients and services Clients –Market research –Measuring client satisfaction –One stop shopping Services –Alignment with other registrations –Chain integration –Electronic conveyance –e-service in framework e-government –Mobile telephone services –Charging fees/Cost reduction
Quality and content Quality/content/digitizing Finalize digitizing of maps, archives, creation of land register etc Improvement of quality of information, correction of historic flaws Introduction of 3D Harmonization of datasets that became within responsibility Taxation optimization Positive value to information Interoperability Geocoded addresses Reduction of processing time
Integration Integration registers-cadastres-public restrictions Integration fiscal-legal cadastre Integration cadastre-land registry Registration of public restrictions based on cadastral parcel Development NSDI Integration cadastre-topographic mapping Topographic map use the same source for topo info as cadastral map Integration with other info/cooperation Standardized interfaces
Organisational: –Organisational change –Cooperation –Staff –ICT –Performance
Organisation Organisational change –Implementation of recent legal changes –Reducing number of offices –New staff/salarymodel –Increase self financing –Reducing bureaucracy –Overcome problems of administrative structure
Cooperation –Integration in NSDI –Reorganisation of system of licensed surveyors –Introducing “self registration” –Integration of organisations, first cooperation –Improve visibility of the organisation –Involvement private sector
Staff, ICT and performance Staff –Education and increasing professionalism –Increase education on universities ICT-developments –Improve IT-infrastructure –IT-partnership and outsourcing Performance –Speeding up –Improvement management information exchange –Data quality and control system
Organisational: –Organisational change –Cooperation –Staff –ICT –Performance