To describe the events and attitudes of people at the Crucifixion To explain the meaning of Jesus’ death To reflect on how Jesus death was predicted in the OT Jesus Crucifixion and Death
Jesus. two thieves Roman soldiers Roman officer Pharisee (Jewish priest) ordinary Jewish people Jesus’ disciple John with Mary the mother of Jesus A Jesus. B two thieves C Jesus’ disciple John with Mary the mother of Jesus D Roman soldiers E Pharisee (Jewish priest) F Roman officer (on a horse) G ordinary Jewish people 1.Label your picture of the crucifixion scene. *If you were there, who would you be with ? Why?
What they said… 1.Underline or highlight what – the Jewish people & priests say – the Roman soldiers say – the Roman officer says – the good thief says – the bad thief says Choose 2 from the questions below to answer. 1.What was the Jewish people & priests attitude to Jesus? (what did they say? What do these quotes tell you about their attitude?) 2.What is the difference between the attitudes of the good and the bad thieves? (what did they say/ do? What do these quotes tell you about their attitude?) 3.What was the Roman soldiers’ attitude? (what did they say/ do? What does this quote tell you about their attitude?) 4.What was the Roman officer’s attitude? (what did he say/ do? What does this quote tell you about his attitude?) **Whose attitude inspires or surprises you most? Why?
True or False ? 1.Mary and the disciple John were at the foot of the cross 2.Both thieves mocked Jesus 3.Jesus’ legs were not broken 4.The soldiers played cards under the cross 5.There was a sign above Jesus’ cross that said “Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God” 6.Jesus was given a drink when he was on the cross 7.A Roman soldier stuck a spear through Jesus’s side when he was still alive
“They shall look upon the one they have pierced” Zech 10:12 “They pierced my hands and my feet” Ps 22 “Not one of his bones shall be broken” Ps 34:20 “They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my robes” Ps 22 The OT predicted this would happen. What part of the story is each prophecy predicting? Draw one of the scenes, and the quote that predicted it. **Do you think this proves that God had planned this, or is it coincidence?
The Meaning of Jesus death What does this clip say about why Jesus died? 1.Explain why Jesus died. 2.Why is Jesus the only person who could ever have died for our sins?
Video clip of the Crucifixion, from Gospel of John From 2:24:48