Basic Design Principles for Visual Presentations
Use CRAP Designs For Great Slides If 2 things are not the same, make them REALLY different C C ontrast Repeated elements strengthens organization R R epetition Give every element a visual connection to another element on the slide A A lignment Items relating to each other should be grouped close together P P roximity The CRAP principles above are from The Non-Designer's Web Book by Robin Williams and John Tollett
Q1 and Q2 Project Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Identify & engage stakeholders Deadline: Feb 28 Deadline: Mar 15 Deadline: May 31Deadline: June 5 Communicate plan Assign tasks Develop timeline Implement Purchase tools & test Finalize contracts People Tasks Resources
Q1 and Q2 Project Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Identify & engage stakeholders Deadline: Feb 28 Deadline: Mar 15 Deadline: May 31Deadline: June 5 Communicate plan Assign tasks Develop timeline Implement Purchase tools & test Finalize contracts People Tasks Resources This slide is pretty bad…right?
Q1 and Q2 Project Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Identify & engage stakeholders Deadline: Feb 28 Deadline: Mar 15 Deadline: May 31Deadline: June 5 Communicate plan Assign tasks Develop timeline Implement Purchase tools & test Finalize contracts People Tasks Resources What could make it better?
Use Highest Contrast For Visual Clarity Not GOOD Can You Read This?
Use Highest Contrast For Visual Clarity Not GOODGOOD Can You Read This?
Repeat After Me: Repetition Is Good Not GOOD Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers She sells sea shells by the sea shore Doki doki brekekekex koax koax That solitude which suits abstruser musings. Dead in da middle of little Italy, little did we know that we riddled some middle men who didn't do diddily. Alliteration Onomatopoeia Assonance
Repeat After Me: Repetition Is Good Not GOOD Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers She sells sea shells by the sea shore Doki doki brekekekex koax koax That solitude which suits abstruser musings. Dead in da middle of little Italy, little did we know that we riddled some middle men who didn't do diddily. GOOD Alliteration Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers She sells sea shells by the sea shore Onomatopoeia Doki doki brekekekex koax koax Assonance That solitude which suits abstruser musings Dead in da middle of little Italy, little did we know that we riddled some middle men who didn't do diddily Alliteration Onomatopoeia Assonance
Visually Aligned = Mentally Aligned Not GOOD Where do I belong?
Visually Aligned = Mentally Aligned Not GOODGOOD Where do I belong? Home sweet home.
Proximity Promotes Perception Not GOOD Alliteration Onomatopoeia Assonance Repetition of a leading consonant sound Imitating the sound described Repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming
Proximity Promotes Perception Not GOODGOOD Alliteration Onomatopoeia Assonance Alliteration Onomatopoeia Assonance Repetition of a leading consonant sound Imitating the sound described Repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming Repetition of a leading consonant sound Imitating the sound described Repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming
Q1 and Q2 Project Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Identify & engage stakeholders Deadline: Feb 28 Deadline: Mar 15 Deadline: May 31Deadline: June 5 Communicate plan Assign tasks Develop timeline Implement Purchase tools & test Finalize contracts People Tasks Resources
Q1 and Q2 Project Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Identify & engage stakeholders Deadline: Feb 28 Deadline: Mar 15 Deadline: May 31Deadline: June 5 Communicate plan Assign tasks Develop timeline Implement Purchase tools & test Finalize contracts People Tasks Resources What if we apply a little CRAP?
Q1 and Q2 Project Plan Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Feb 28Mar 15May 31June 5 Identify & engage stakeholders Communicate plan People Assign tasks Develop timeline Implement Tasks Purchase tools & test Finalize contracts Resources
Are You Ready to Create a CRAP Presentation? Use responsibly. CRAP presentations may elicit questions, comments, or feedback from an engaged audience that actually understands your message.