Annual Nutrient Removal by the Primary Hay Crops in the South Adapted from Southern Forages, 2007 and Myer et al, 2010.
Spinner Spreader Air-flow Applicator
Spinner Spreader Source: Fulton et al., 2003; 2005
Air-flow Applicator Application Rate (lbs/acre) Desired Levels 400 lbs/A 100 lbs/A 200 lbs/A 300 lbs/A
Spinner Spreader Source: Fulton et al., 2003 and unpublished data Air-flow Applicator
Low to High High to Low Source: Fulton et al., 2003
Fertilization Trick Account for N Loss from Urea-based Products
N Fertilizer Application Urea urease + H 2 0
Urea urease Ammonia + H 2 0 Ammonium +
Urea urease Ammonia + H 2 0 Ammonium + AN Nitrate -
The Effectiveness of Some Alternative N Sources at Low, Medium, and High Fertilization Rates on Hybrid Bermudagrasses (Relative to Ammonium Nitrate). Nitrogen SourceFertilization Rates < 200 lbs* lbs> 400 lbs Ammonium Nitrate 100% Amm. Sulfate 95-97%95-105%60-70% Anhyd. Ammonia 92-94%93-95%94-95% UAN Solution 80-85%85-92%92-95% Urea 79-82%82-92%88-93% * Actual lbs of N per acre per year. Source: Burton and Jackson, 1962; Silveria et al., 2007.
Alternative N Sources Take-home message: If you have to use a urea-based product, be careful about cutting your rate back too much. -They are relatively less effective at low rates.
Fertilization Strategies New N Fertilizer Products
Introduction Without AN, users of N face risky alternatives. NH 3 volatilization loss Urease is abundant in thatch & organic layers High N use in hay. Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizer Products may reduce volatilization loss Urease inhibition Encapsulate & release Ammonium Nitrate Urea NBPT maleic-itaconic co-polymer Polymer Coating
Ammonia Volatilization Trap Data (avg. over two locations)
Bermudagrass Hay Yield (Calhoun)
Results: Yield Data : Forage Yield of ‘Russell’ Bermudagrass Equal Splits † SourceEatontonCalhounEatontonCalhoun (lbs of DM/acre) ATU ‡ ESN NSN Urea Urea AN Check LSD † Equal split applications of N that occurred during the season. Total N applied = 300 lbs N/acre. ‡ Items that are in bold font are not significantly different from the highest value in the column.
Bermudagrass Hay Yield 2010 (Equal splits, 4 applications, 300 lbs N/ac total)
Summary of EE N products Agrotain Treated Urea as compared to urea applied in the same way (averaged over 4 site-yrs): Reduced ammonia volatilization by over 63%. Produced 11% more forage yield. Recovered 19% more of the applied N. Did not substantially affect crude protein content. Did not substantially affect the risk of nitrate toxicity.
Another Fertilization Trick Split Your Potassium Applications! 40-50% in the Spring 50-60% in mid – late season
Poor Stress Tolerance Leafspot Diseases The Stand is Gone! Not Competitive Grows Very Slow Poor Winterhardiness K is for Persistence
K is the Key to a Good Stand
Low Soil pH
Aluminum Toxicity – Low Soil pH Alfalfa control treated
Effect of Gypsum (CaSO 4 ) on Root Growth - Alfalfa Source: Dr. M.E. Sumner
Tissue Sampling and Troubleshooting
Tissue Sampling 6 in.
Which is the better hay?
Chlorophyll and Nutrient Mg N H C O
Foliar Fertilizer Applications Even if the product is 100% efficient (likely isn’t) The most a plant can take up across via the leaves is the equivalent of 1-2 lbs/acre of the nutrient Works for many micro-nutrients (small quantities needed) Not feasible for macro-nutrients without multiple applications. (large quantities needed) Even if the product is 100% efficient (likely isn’t) The most a plant can take up across via the leaves is the equivalent of 1-2 lbs/acre of the nutrient Works for many micro-nutrients (small quantities needed) Not feasible for macro-nutrients without multiple applications. (large quantities needed)