Digital Plant Portfolio By. Drew Smith
Setaria pumila Yellow Foxtail
Blooms in June- December. 1-3’ long Reproduces by seeds. Found in roadsides, ditch banks, fields, and gardens. It is green and yellow, has a long skinny stem and has a fuzzy round top. Prefers Full sunlight and nutrient rich, high fertile soil. It tolerates low PH.
Muhlenbergia frondosa Wirestem Muhly
Muhlenbergia Frondosa Wirestem Muhly Native to NE. Often confused as quack grass. Quick to grow. Considered an agricultural weed. Has a long green stem, purple flaky flowers on top, grows in groups. Produces through rhizomes. Prefers wetlands. Tolerates dry areas.
Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle
Multi stemmed small tree. Leaves are arranged by either alternate or opposite. Can be a small tree or shrub depending on how it’s pruned. Thin, flakey bark and has bright clusters of flowers that bloom in the spring. Reproduces through seeds found in the fruit. Prefers full sunlight and temperatures above 70˚F. Tolerates dry conditions and mildew diseases.
Trifolum Clover
Clover’s heads usually contain three to four leaves. Invasive species. High in protein. Green, the three to four flowers are round to form a circle, soft texture. Reproduces by stolons (runners). Prefers full sun and rich soil. Tolerates partial shade and too much rain.
Stachys byzantina Woolly Hedgenettle
The leaves are simple. Fruit is dry and does not split open when ripe. Perennial life cycle. Green, very soft texture, considered a herb. Reproduces by seeds. Prefers low quality soil, partial shade, cool weather. Tolerates various growing conditions and dry climate
Cynodon rich Bermuda grass
Bermuda has a low water use rate. It can grow on hard soil surfaces and shallow soil. It has the ability to crowd out weeds. It is a thick, dense green grass. Bermuda mainly reproduces through stolons, but has been known before to reproduce through rhizomes. Prefers full sun and it can thrive off of low amounts of water. It is tolerant to extreme heat and drought and tolerant to a range of different pH levels
Rosa Rose
They have thorns to protect themselves from herbivores. They have five pedals five sepals. They can come in many colors. Long green stem which has a flower at the top. Reproduce by pollination. Prefer the pH level to be around 6.0 to 6.5, and rich soil. Tolerates slight shade.
Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar
The tulip poplar is actually a member of the magnolia family. The leaves are shaped opposite and simple. Produces tulip shaped, light- greenish yellow flowers. The leaves have four large lobes which make the tree easily identifiable. It reproduces through seedlings. Prefers wet soil and an acidic pH with alkaline. Tolerates drought and soaking wet soil.
Toxicodendron radicans Eastern Poison Ivy
Climbing vine that grows on trees. A shrub can grow up to 1.2 meters tall. Stays green during spring and red during autumn. Can be a vine or shrub and its green. Three lobes per leaf. Reproduces by seeds. Prefers shade and rich soil. Tolerates full sun and humid air conditions.
Carya illinoinenis Pecan Tree
It is a hickory wood variant. Pecan trees can grow up to 144ft tall. Pecan leaves are alternate and odd pinnate. It has a thick tall trunk with multiple large branches extending outwards. The pecans,while growing, are green and have a thick, soft cover to protect them while they grow. Reproduces through seedlings. It prefers humid climate and rich soil. It can tolerate some dry conditions.