Watch the clip. Then tell your partner what you remember seeing. 1.Describe the conversation between Jesus & with John the Baptist. When Jesus came up to John, John said... 2.Why was John reluctant to baptise Jesus? **Why do you think Jesus wanted to be baptised by John? Jesus’ Baptism 1
To describe what happened at Jesus’ baptism To explain why Jesus chose to be baptised To evaluate the importance of Jesus’ baptism for us 2
What happened when Jesus came out of the water ? 2 things – tell your partner ! 3 Heavens opened Spirit, like a dove Voice from heaven “You are my beloved son. With you I am well pleased”. When Jesus came out of the water Write out & complete in order what happened after John baptised Jesus. **How does this event show that God is actually 3 persons of the Trinity?
Why did Jesus want to be baptised ? He was already sinless…? ! The water represents all the sins we will “drown in” during our life, and need to be saved from. Jesus went into the water so he could be like one of us, and so we would have His power to come up out of our sins. The holy water of baptism reminds us how we have Jesus’ strength to overcome sin. 1.Draw a “water line”. Below it, write in all the sins someone could fall into during their life. 2.Explain how it helps us, when Jesus got baptised. 3.Choose a sin. Explain why you would need Jesus’ power to overcome it. **Why do Catholics sign themselves with Holy Water when they go into a church? What does it remind them of? 4
Why did Jesus go down into the water to be baptised ? 5
Think about yourself. What is God the Father pleased about in you ? Write it on the post it. “You are my beloved Son/ Daughter. In you I am well pleased”. Draw a voice coming out of the clouds saying what God is pleased about in you. 6
When Jesus got baptised, he made water holy. Holy Water reminds us how Jesus gives us his power to overcome sin. Many people don’t understand why Catholics sign themselves with Holy Water. Draw your own Holy Water stoop. Explain to people why they should use it. 7