Intro Objective 02/16/2012 Describe the water cycle. Check and Hand-in Missing Assignments. What happens to water after you’ve used it? Where does it go?
The Water Cycle What is the “Water Cycle”? Continuous circulation of water within Earth’s atmosphere, land, and oceans/lakes Sun drives the water cycle As water moves through the cycle it changes state
Water Cycle Facts: 97% salt water Oceans Seas Saltwater lakes 3% fresh water Lakes Rivers Ice caps
The Water Cycle Evaporation Water evaporates into the air from large bodies of water such as oceans and lakes
The Water Cycle Condensation Water vapor condenses when it comes in contact with cool air, creating clouds
The Water Cycle Precipitation Rain, snow, sleet, or hail Clouds become full of water and it falls to the ground Precipitation over land is our primary source of freshwater
The Water Cycle Infiltration When water moves through pores and spaces in the soil Caused by gravity A.K.A. percolation
The Water Cycle Runoff When water returns to the ocean/lakes
The Water Cycle Importance Drives weather Drives erosion Cleans & Recycles water
Students will cut out and paste the water cycle picture in to their notebook. Label each section of the water cycle on the picture as follows: A. (Evaporation) B. (Condensation) C. (Precipitation) D. (Percolation) E. (Runoff) Use arrows for each part.
The Water Cycle Summary: Answer the following in complete sentences… What are the five steps to the water cycle? What is the energy source for the water cycle? Why is the water cycle important?
Objective 02/16/2012 Outro Describe the water cycle List all parts of your life that would be affected if the water cycle did not exist.