By Morgan Fonda
Reducing Your Home Conserving water; shorter showers, turning water off when brushing your teeth Electrical conservation; turning off lights and energy sources when not in use, using energy efficient light bulbs
Reducing Your Footprint With Travel Car pool to work or use public transportation Walk or ride a bike for short trips Use Public transportation more than your car
Reducing Carbon Footprint For College Students 1.Laptop > Desktop - Laptops only us watts of energy during regular use. Desktops use 150 watts on average. 2.Turn off your computer - you’ll save an average of $90/year. 968,073: Pounds of CO2 Tulane could save annually by creating Energy Star dorm rooms across campus
Works Cited "5 Ways to Save Energy in an Eco Lifestyle |" GreenStudentU: Green Students, Environmental Education, & Eco- Lifestyles. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May "Global Carbon Emissions | CO2 Now | Current CO2." CO2 Now | CO2 Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May CO2/CO2-Now/global-carbon-emissions.html CO2/CO2-Now/global-carbon-emissions.html "How to Go Green: Dorm Rooms : TreeHugger." TreeHugger. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May rooms.html#tips rooms.html#tips "Reducing My Carbon Footprint at Home." Reducing My Carbon Footprint at Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May