How Thomas Edison came to invent the light bulb Description of light bulb Places Used
Edison wanted to replace gas/candle light forever Materials: Glass bulbs, metal bottom, lead in wires, filament
Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio Had a record breaking 1,093 patents
Incandescent: most home use this bulb(last about 1,000 hours) Halogen: brighter and hotter(last about 2,250-3,500) Fluorescent: save energy and give off little heat(last about 10,000 hours)
Fluorescent bulbs are twist Halogen bulbs are round with a blunt tip Incandescent bulbs are round
Light bulbs are used everywhere
In schools how are the kids supposed to read or do work without light
I think this was a good experience learning everything about the light bulb
Nobleman, Marc Tyler. The Light Bulb. Minnesota: Capstone Press, Tomecek, Stephen m. What a Great Idea: Inventions that changed the World. USA: Schoolastic Nonfiction, m m Edison-techcenter History