Geologic Origin of Lakes
Lakes of Glacial Origin
Cirque Lake
Recognizing Cirque Lake from Topo Map
Pater Noster Lakes
Kettles on Glacial Outwash Plain
Kettle Lakes
Kettle Lakes on Pitted Outwash Plain
Fjord Lake
Thaw (Cryogenic) Lakes
Continental Glaciation: Finger Lakes
Lake Vostok, Antarctica
Lakes of Tectonic Origin Graben Lakes
Graben Lake: Tahoe
Rift Graben Lake: Baikal
More Rift Lakes
Volcanic Lakes: Caldera Crater Lake
Volcanic Lake
Extraterrestrial Forces: Astroblemes Manicougan
Solution Lakes
Sinkhole Lake in Karst Topography
Sinkhole Lake Formation
Fluviatile Lakes: Plunge Pool Lake
Oxbow Lake
Beaver Dam Lakes
Anthropogenic Lakes
Farm Ponds