Dale Ellis, Ed. D Superintendent Montgomery County Schools January 9, 2013
Cultural Proficiency is a way of being that allows individuals and organizations to interact effectively with people who differ from them. Session 1: An Overview
What is YOUR education level? What is YOUR income level? How does that compare with those that you interact with in the broader school community? How does your life blueprint (history, etc.) compare to that of your students? A Quick Review
Culture is much deeper than most people think about or realize. When we say the term cultural diversity, what generally is that interpreted to mean? Understanding Culture
Race Ethnicity History Gender Socio-economic status What else? If you can think of a difference, it is probably connected to culture in some way or it is a sub-culture unto itself. Culture is…
Educate ALL students to the best of their ability and to the best of our ability. Can we truly differentiate instruction if our educators do not understand and acknowledge difference? Our Task
…not an excuse. …not a crutch. …not something to whisper about. Difference is to be celebrated! Difference is….
We want to address and capitalize on our diversity. We want to reinforce positive values about diversity. We want to reinforce values and behaviors that produce the best results for children. We want to leverage previous knowledge in Robert Marzano’s work, Ruby Payne, and PDSA training to get the best out of ALL students. Moving Forward
January – Overview February – Chs. 1-3 March – Chs. 4-6 April – Chs. 7-9 May – Resources Schedule