TRANSPORTATION OF USED FUEL December 2015 Pierre OneidJack Edlow Holtec InternationalEdlow International Company
EDLOW INTERNATIONAL COMPANY 52 Years of Excellence in the Shipment of Used Fuel Edlow International Company (EIC) is renowned for its innovative approach to the transportation of radioactive materials. We provide solutions to complex situations associated with radioactive transport management which can only be accomplished through the broad base of experience uniquely possessed by EIC. For five decades we have achieved an impressive list of accomplishments that have positively influenced the nuclear industry. Since our first shipment of used fuel in 1963, we have shipped hundreds of shipments internationally and throughout the United States. Our most recent shipment was within the last 90 days.
TRANSPORTATION OF USED FUEL Feasibility ▫Shipment of used commercial power reactor fuel between any two points within the United States is manageable. Possible Modes of Transportation ▫Rail ▫Truck ▫Water Transport Summary ▫Transport by rail, truck, and water are feasible. ▫Best option(s) depend on weight of cask and route involved. ▫Transport within the United States requires a “Three Phased Approach” – involving Federal and State level requirements.
TRANSPORTATION PLAN Three Phased Approach 1.Conduct Feasibility Study of Transport Plan 2.Develop an Execution Plan 3.Implement Transport Plan
TRANSPORT BY RAIL Eight casks from Europe arrive in 1994 as emergency relief shipment
SHIPMENT PLANNING Issues to be Addressed Before Shipment ▫Procurement of necessary overpacks for dry storage canisters. ▫Establishment of route plan in accordance with NRC regulations. ▫Modifications to highways/road infrastructure for overweight casks if necessary ▫Establishment of security plan in accordance with NRC regulations. ▫Selection of modes of transport. ▫Selection of ocean-going barge or powered vessel in compliance with Jones Act. ▫Integration of packages in the system of multi model plan.
CONCEPTUAL TRANSPORT PLANS 1.Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Station (Decommissioned) Location: Rowe, MA 2.Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company (Decommissioned) Location: Wiscasset, ME 3.Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant (Decommissioned) Location: Haddam Neck, CT
Transport Concept Modes of Transport: Water & Truck ▫Identify closest loading port for each decommissioned plant ▫Truck to ocean-going barge or vessel in compliance with Jones Act Water Route: Via Gulf of Mexico to Port of Corpus Christi, TX Barge/Ship. Total distance: 2,200 nautical miles Transit Time: Towed Barge = 12 days at 8 knots Transit Time: Powered Vessel = 7 days at 14 knots Truck Route: Port of Corpus Christi, TX to Loving, NM Distance: 585 miles. Transit Time: 3 days
CONCLUSION Transport by sea is recommended, to the maximum extent possible, to avoid crossing multiple state lines and reducing jurisdictional issues and expensive road modifications for overweight casks Based on our desktop review, there do not appear to be any major obstacles to prevent the transport of commercial power reactor fuel from the three decommissioned nuclear sites in the northeast to the Eddy-Lea Project site in New Mexico under present regulations.
CONTACT INFORMATION Pierre OneidRussell Neely SVP, Chief Nuclear OfficerChief Operating Officer