Jeopardy Useful Resources Earth’s Processes Forces of Change Changing Earth Click anywhere on question slide for answer. Click the Back button to return to this slide.
B Back How do river deltas form? A. Moving water, gravity and deposition. B. Still water, gravity and deposition. C. Movement of the tectonic plates. D. Weathering and erosion. Earth - 5 points
B Which earth process forms sand dunes? A. weathering or breaking down of sediment B. Deposition or the dropping of sediment C. Erosion or the movement of sediment. D. Wind blowing sand. Earth - 10 points Back DAILY DOUBLE
A Back Which landform can a moving mountain glacier carve? A. U-shaped valley B. Desert C. Delta D. Floodplain Earth - 15 pts.
C Back In which of these ways can volcanoes help build up new land? A.By adding heat to Earth’s surface B. By adding gases to the atmosphere C.By adding lava to Earth’s surface D.By adding water vapor to the atmosphere Earth – 20 pts.
A Back Earth – 25 pts. What makes river canyons form? A. Moving water. B. Tectonic plates making fossil fuels C. The erosion of the tectonic plates D. Sediment being deposited.
B Back Nonrenewable resources formed from organisms that died millions of years ago are called... Natural Resources - 5 points A. Inexhaustible fuels B. Fossil fuels C. Hydro fuels D. Turbo fuels
B Back A. gold, silver, copper B. plants, water, oxygen C. coal, oil, and natural gas D. none of the above Natural Resources for 10 pts. Which of the following are considered renewable resources?
D What is the major use of fossil fuels? A. to create models of earthquakes B. to study the history of Earth C. to search for dinosaur bones D. to supply energy Natural Resources - 15 points Back DAILY DOUBLE
C Natural Resources - 20 pts. Back Which of the following are considered nonrenewable resources? A. whale oil, butane, and hydrogas B. sun, wind, and water C. coal, oil, and natural gas D. none of the above
C Back Natural Resources - 25 Wind, solar, and hydroelectric are A. Exhaustible resources B. Nonrenewable resources C. Alternative energy resources D. Fossil resources
C Looking at a river canyon, where would you find the oldest fossil? A. Top of the canyon B. Middle of the canyon C. At the bottom of the canyon D. They are all the same age. Process Skills - 5 Back DAILY DOUBLE
B Process Skills for 10 Back A fifth grade student scooped some soil containing pebbles, silt, and sand from the bottom of a stream. The student placed them into a container of water and let them settle. Which picture shows what the student saw?
B Back Process Skills for 15 The arch landform seen in the picture is the result of – A. Rock that is growing out from the main land. B. Erosion of the soft rock by the waves. C. Sand that has been deposited over time and built up into an arch. D. Birds constantly flying into the rock.
D Back What Alternative energy resource can be used instead of coal? A. Wind turbines for electricity. B. Hydroelectric for electricity. C. Solar panels for electricty. D. All the above Process Skills for 20
B Back Making imprints of objects in clay is most useful for learning about A. weathering B. fossils C. renewable resources D. the rock cycle Process Skills for 25
C Changing Earth – 5 pts. Back What is the most powerful force of erosion? A. Sand B. Wind C. Water D. Rock
C Back Changing Earth – 10 pts. Which of these best helps prevent soil erosion? A. beaches B. lakes C. plants D. the sun
A Changing Earth – 15 points Back DAILY DOUBLE What form of erosion caused the formation of the Great Lakes? A. Ice B. Wind C. Sand D. Sun
C Back Changing Earth - 20 pts Stream water can move small pieces of rock. What process is this? A. Imprinting B. Weathering C. Erosion D. Decomposing
D Back Changing Earth – 25 pts. How long does it probably take for most rocks to weather so much that you can notice a difference? A. Days B. Months C. Years D. Thousands of years
Daily Double A C E D B Back
A Which of the following was caused by running water over a long period of time? A. the Grand Canyon B. the Great Lakes C. Hawaii D. the Statue of Liberty Back
B Which of the following landforms is created by deposition? A. mountain B. delta C. valley D. canyon Back
C Trees are easy to grow. Why might a living 500-year-old redwood tree be considered a nonrenewable resource? A. It will turn into rock. B. It will turn into charcoal. C. It will take a very long time to replace. D. A tree can be planted to replace it.
False Back Natural gas burns more efficiently than oil or coal and results in more pollution. True False
A piece of wood has 10 times more energy than a piece of coal the same size. True False Back