GEM IT Report and Yield Test Results M. Shen USDA-ARS NCRPIS GEM - December 9, G ermplasm E nhancement of M aize
GEM-Ames Website Updated GEM cooperator’s list, GEM reports, presentations, and GEM data Corn Images for GEM Released Lines (in PDF format): 50 images as a total Year 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Corn Images of Recommended Lines
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Usage of GEM-Ames website (Dec. 08 to Nov. 09) Usage: germplasm information, GEM data, and information about GEM project, etc. Search engine: Google 14 – 36% each month Key words: gem and maize Visitors: 184/month (similar to last year) Re-visitors: 49% (up from 40% last year) Top 10 countries with most visitors (in descending order): US, China, India, Canada, Italy, Mexico, UK, France, Ireland, & Germany Top 10 states/regions with most visitors (in descending order): IA, CA, MO, NC, IL, Beijing (China), MD, IN, NY, & TX Cities with most visitors in the top 10 states/regions Ames, Sunnyvale, St. Louis, Raleigh, Urbana, Beijing, Beltsville, Indianapolis, Ithaca, & Lubbock
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Usage of GEM-Ames website World Map of Cumulative Traffic
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames Information Management Handout: GEM 2009 data summaries and reports GEM CD contains Allelic diversity data Annual report Disease data from cooperators Germplasm releases and key traits Lab data reports Public cooperators’ reports Yield trial data GEM information –
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary The date of the first data set received 1 day later than that last year (Oct. 21) The date of the last data set received 1 day later than that last year (Dec. 3) Overall 2 weeks later than last year because of the weather and late maturity Still completed analyses for the meeting Thanks to the companies who sent the data before requesting Wyffels, and PANNAR
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary Experiments: 42 Replicated at 4 to 8 locations Plots: 14,100 GEM cooperators’ portion: 52% (up from 49% last year) GEM portion: 48%
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary There are 132 GEM topcrosses that out- performed the yield of check means (out of 2658 entries of topcrosses) The range of CV’s for yield was from 7.6 to 17.5% (a little down from last year 8-18%) and the mean of the CV’s is 11.5 (down from last year 13.4) Yield trial data - high lodging data this year
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary Total Numbers of Yield Trial Experiments Each Year
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames trial summary
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Data Analysis Improvement of data format to deliver as much information as our cooperators needed Based on recommendations by the TSG: The percentage of entry mean yield over the check mean Variance of each entry
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Data Analysis
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Special Thanks to the Companies That Conducted Yield Trial In-Kind Support (2009) AgReliant Genetics, LLC BASF Plant Science Breeding LLC Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc. Hoegemeyer Hybrids, Inc. Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc. Monsanto Company Mycogen Seeds National Starch PANNAR Seed Schillinger Seeds SEEDirect Syngenta Seeds, Inc. Wyffels Hybrids
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Special Thanks to the Companies That Conducted Nursery In-Kind Support (2009) Nursery (selection and generation advance): AgReliant, APEX-AGRI, BASF, Beck’s, Brandy Wine Seed Farms LLC, Forage Genetics, G&S Crop Services, GDU, Genetic Enterprises Int’l, Hoegemeyer, IFSI, Mayo Agro, Monsanto, Mycogen, National Starch, Schillinger, Semillas Tuniche, Syngenta, Targeted Growth, Terrell Seed, and Wyffels Isolation blocks: AgReliant, BASF, Beck’s, Hyland, IFSI, JFS, MBS, Mycogen, PANNAR, and Syngenta
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize Special Thanks to the Companies That Conducted Other In-Kind Support (2009) BC observations/evaluation: AgReliant, APEX-AGRI, G&S Crop Services, Mycogen, and Seed Asia Co Ltd. Conversions (waxy): National Starch Disease and/or insect screening: Pioneer, and Professional Seed Research, Seed Asia Co. Ltd. Allelic diversity or DH nursery (summer and winter): AgiWise, AgReliant, Monsanto, Pioneer, Syngenta
Next Presentation G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize
Data Format Improvement G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize
GEM-Ames year trial summary 1 st yr 2 nd yr trialtrialTotal No. entries beat all checks11213 No. entries beat check means No. entries beat at least 1 check Total entries: 2682
G ermplasm Enhancement of Maize GEM-Ames year trial summary 08 1 st yr 2 nd yr trialtrialTotal No. entries beat all checks707 No. entries beat check means No. entries beat at least 1 check Total entries: 2682