CASAS International Brokerage, Inc. Presentation for the WMTA Import Compliance 2015
Agenda Top Compliance Topics ▫ Classification ▫ SPI Analysis: NAFTA ▫ CF 28s – Requests for Information ▫ Valuation/Reconciliation ▫ Intellectual Property Rights Boosting Your Relationship with CBP Embracing ACE & Moving Forward with CEEs
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Classification Classification is the basis for everything! HTS determines admissibility, OGA requirements, and FTA amongst others! It’s important to be 100% sure the HTS classifications you are using are correct. CBP looks to classification as one of the most important data points in the validation of importations. Invoice descriptions are important too! Yearly reviews are key!
SPI Analysis: NAFTA SPI analysis for qualification required. More than 1 person in an organization should have knowledge of SPI qualification and recordkeeping processes. Be prepared for a Verification.
CF 28s – Request for Information Responses to CBP CF 28s need to be: CLEAR CONCISE INFORMATIONAL Responses should also clear up any doubts CBP may have about HTS classification used. Make sure all information presented is accurate! CBP researches products and websites.
Valuation/Reconciliation Take into account things you might forget that affect value: PEAs, assists, etc. Variance should be LESS than 10% Reconciliation is an Entry Type = open to verification. $ $ $ $ $
Intellectual Property Rights Be sure to register all your trademarks with Customs via If your trademark isn’t registered, it is more difficult for CBP to enforce the law when there is an IPR infringement. Inbond merchandise is not exempt for IPR enforcement. If you are an Importer of a trademarked item, but not the owner of the trademark, you must have authorization letters from the owner to present to CBP.
Boosting Your Relationship with CBP Let them know who you are and what you’re doing! Know your stuff and be able to back it up with research and documentation.
Resources: ▫ CBP ACE OnlineOnline ▫ NCBFAA NEI YouTube ChannelYouTube Channel Embracing ACE
ACE Action Items Everyone Brokers Importers Open an ACE Portal Account Assign Users to this Account Run Reports and Analyze Data File ACE Entries Communicate with your software vendor! Grant Brokers Access to your ACE Portal Keep tabs on what your brokers are filing
All Importers will EVENTUALLY be assigned to a CEE, but IORs can apply to register now (recommended). See Federal Register Notice /13: Import Specialists already assigned to CEEs throughout the U.S. CEEs will be in charge of all post-entry compliance enforcement. CBP at local ports will retain responsibility for physical inspections, etc. Centers of Excellence and Expertise (CEEs)
Final Tips Develop a 2015 Compliance Plan and Make People Accountable Communicate with CBP Learn about ACE and the CEEs
Any Questions? Should you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at: Thank you for your time