KINE 4565 The burden of injury and sources of injury data.


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Presentation transcript:

KINE 4565 The burden of injury and sources of injury data

This week go over types of injury data available in Canada and around the world Some examples from the US, CIHI, and CHIRPP Discussion of strengths and weaknesses student presentations

Sources of injury data Injury data are available from many different sources in Canada and around the world Some data are collected routinely, while others are cause or population-specific In general, routinely collected data have less detailed information, while data gathered specifically have more information

Sources of injury data in Canada Canadian Institute for Health Information Routinely gathers information about all hospitalizations in Canada Coding in based on the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) tenth version Gives general description of age, gender, diagnosis, broad cause of injury No specific information on protective equipment, etc.

Sources of injury data in Canada (continued) The National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) collects data on all Emergency Department visits in Ontario Also coded using ICD-10 Provides a population-based estimate of ED visits for injury

Sources of injury data in Canada (continued) The Workers Compensation Board (or equivalent) in each province keeps track of claims for injured workers Only includes injuries where the worker makes a claim Only includes legal workers Underestimates prevalence of work- related injuries

Sources of injury data in Canada (continued) Other injury-specific data are also available e.g., water-related incidents, the Red Cross,

Sources of injury data around the world The world health organization tries to report on injury deaths and hospitalizations around the world Data from some countries more reliable than others Allows ranking of causes of death and disability

Some examples

Close Window Figure 2: Causes of Injury Death in Ontario, 1999/2000 Source: Ontario Trauma Registry, Canadian Institute for Health Information 2002

Close Figure 5: Causes of Injury Admissions years, Canada, 1999/2000 Source: National Trauma Registry/CIHI 2002

Close Figure 2. Number and Rate of Suicides, by Age Group, Ontario, 1998/99 Source: Ontario Trauma Registry, Canadian Institute for Health Information

Figure 1. Burn Type Distribution, 1999 CHIRPP Database, All Ages

In conclusion There are many sources of data for injury statistics Be sure to know what they are reporting/measuring If you have a specific topic, try to find out how many people are affected (incidence)